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Ageing connects IFA 11 th Global Conference on Ageing 28 May – 1 June 2012, Prague.

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Prezentace na téma: "Ageing connects IFA 11 th Global Conference on Ageing 28 May – 1 June 2012, Prague."— Transkript prezentace:

1 Ageing connects IFA 11 th Global Conference on Ageing 28 May – 1 June 2012, Prague

2 Mezinárodní federace pro stárnutí (International Federation on Ageing, IFA) je v Kanadě registrovaná charitativní organizace, která byla založena v roce 1973 a od té doby soustavně obhajuje práva starších lidí různými cestami včetně klíčových iniciativ, pořádáním globálních konferencí nebo účastí na nich, vydáváním vlastních stanovisek a doporučení. Posláním celosvětové organizace IFA je informovat, vzdělávat a prosazovat politiku a praxi vedoucí ke zlepšení kvality života starších lidí na celém světě. Sídlem IFA je Toronto. má všeobecný konzultační status při OSN (v jejím ekonomickém a sociálním výboru), oficiální vazby se Světovou zdravotnickou organizací (WHO), operativní status v UNESCO, konzultační status k Mezinárodní organizaci práce (ILO), konzultační status k Radě Evropy a své přímé reprezentanty v Komisi pro lidská práva OSN, v Komisi OSN pro starší ženy a v UNESCAP (Ekonomická a sociální komise OSN pro Asii a Pacifickou oblast).


4 Záštity nad konferencí Předseda vlády ČR, pan Petr Nečas, Ministr práce a sociálních věcí Jaromír Drábek, Primátor hlavního města Prahy Bohuslav Svoboda Nadace Dagmar a Václava Havlových VIZE 97.




8 648 delegátů z 53 zemí 61 spíkrů 102 setkání (workshopy, sympozia, lekce) Před konferencí se konaly Senior Officials Meeting „Dlouhověkost a moderní technologie“ Konference INPEA „Týrání a zneužívání starších lidí: globální problém“, Konference Bridging Research in Ageing and ICT Development – BRAID International Longevity Centre Global Alliance symposium „Produktivní stárnutí, podmínky a příležitost“ Master Classes: „Křehkost a zranitelnost“, kterou vedl dr. Zdeněk Kalvach „Tanec a demence“, vedla doc. Iva Holmerová „Film, jako nástroj změny“, vedl Jan Lorman. Výstava 105 plakátů a fotografií

9 Alan Walker (UK), G. Tegart (Australia), F. Forette (F), R. Muenz (Germany), Y. Liang (China), I. Doron (Israel), M. Mars (SA), J. T. Waters (USA), A.Kalache (Brazil), A. Borelli (USA), S. Beales (UK), D.Jarré (Germany), M. Mitchell (UK), G. Minnigaleeva (Russia), T. Yeni (South Africa), G. Gutman (Canada), Baroness S. Greengross (UK), J. Sadavoy (Canada), S. Somers (USA), A-S. Parent (Belgium), J. Soulsby (UK), G. Lamura (Italy), A. Lowenstein (Israel), S. Biggs (Australia)…

10 Konference projednala čtyři hlavní témata a dvanáct podtémat 1.Senioři a rozvoj a.Práce a otázka stárnoucí pracovní síly b.Přístup ke znalostem, vzdělávání a výcviku c.Důchodové zabezpečení, sociální ochrana a prevence chudoby 2.Podpora zdraví a životní pohody ve stáří a.Celoživotní podpora zdraví a životní pohody b.Univerzální a rovný přístup ke zdravotní péči c.Potřeba mentálního zdraví starších lidí 3.Zajištění vhodného a podpůrného prostředí a.Bydlení a životní prostředí b.Péče a podpora pečujících c.Zanedbávání, zneužívání a násilí 4.Komunikační technologie a.Komunikační služby a poskytovatelé – e health, telehealth, telepresence a flips! b.Vztah generací – tweets, blogs, sociální sítě c.Podpora starších lidí – asistenční technologie, přístroje a produkty

11 A: WALKER: A Healthy 70- year old has a 54% chance of living to 90. If you have one of the conditions below, it reduces to..... Sedentary lifestyle Hypertension Obesity Smoking Three Factors Five Factors Eg sedentary lifestyle, obesity and diabetes Eg sedentary lifestyle, obesity, hypertension, diabetes and smoking

12 ALAN WALKER: FIVE WAYS TO WELL-BEING Five ways to well-being website Copyrighted Material: Alan Walker, Active Ageing, Prague, 31 st May 2012

13 A. WALKER: VARIABILITY IN AGEING Copyrighted Material: Alan Walker, Active Ageing, Prague, 31 st May 2012






19 2mld+ Uživatelů internetu ve světě 2mld+ Zdroj: 247,000,000,000 denně odesláno emailů 247,000,000,000 2mld denně shlédnutých videí 2mld denně shlédnutých videí 2.5mld Měsíčně přidaných obrázků na Facebook 2.5mld Měsíčně přidaných obrázků na Facebook Zdroj:

20 Skupinová moudrost (wisdom of crowds): Čím více jedinců se zapojí do sociální sítě, tím větší hodnotu vytvářejí. Zdroj: Health 2.0 It’s up to you, Council for Public Health and Health Care for the Minister of Health, Welfare and Sport, Hague 2010

21 Rizika virtuálního světa Zdroj: 2011 Internet Crime Report, Internet Crime Compliant Center

22 Romantický Scaming Zdroj: 2011 Internet Crime Report, Internet Crime Compliant Center

23 Zpřístupňujeme Ultrabook™ zkušenost pro stárnoucí populaci pavel.kubu@intel.c om

24 Dear all, I want to thank each and every one of you for the excellent talk you gave in Prague at INPEA's 7th World Conference/WEAAD Commemoration on May 28 and/or in the INPEA "kick-0ff" session and symposia on May 31. The feedback on our two keynote talks and on our symposia and regional reports has been very positive. Several people who attended our sessions told me that they learned things about the research, practice and advocacy that is going on around the world to combat elder abuse that they might not otherwise have been aware of. In reaching an audience beyond those who usually attend INPEA events, we have gained visibility beyond our members and usual supporters. This helps to build and strengthen INPEA and more importantly, to make people aware of the need to work to combat elder abuse and about information, tools and best practices that can help them in their work. Our plan is to post the power-points of the presentations on the INPEA website as soon as possible. The conference Final program and Speakers' bios will also be posted there as well as the video clips that were shown. I have copies of all the power points from May 28. Could those of you who presented on May 31 please send me and Susan Somers your power points as soon as you can if you have not alwady done so. Again, many personal thanks for your contribution to what by all accounts was a very successful event. I look forward to working with you again in future and to your continued strong involvement with INPEA. Best regards, Gloria Gutman Gloria M. Gutman, PhD, FCAHS, OBC, LLD (hon.) President, International Network for the Prevention of Elder Abuse

25 Hello Jan and Daniela, Now that I am back in the states after a wonderful holiday in Europe, I wanted to express my appreciation for the opportunity to work with you both on the selection of videos for the conference. It was wonderful meeting you both and participating in the events of the conference. Thank you both for all the work you did to carry out the conference. I hope you have been able to find some time to relax and recuperate from all the work! Warm regards, Jim James Vanden Bosch Executive Director Terra Nova Films, Inc

26 Dear All, Last couple of weeks were so enriching and interesting for me. The conference at Prague and interactions with all the learned people there were worth the time taken out and money spent on travel & registration. The exchanges intellectual, social and personal were alll meaningful. THANK YOU TO ALL WHO CONTRIBUTED TOWARDS ITS SUCCESS. I enjoyed making my 3 presentations and appreciate your comments and support for them. I wanted to attend many more sessions than I did, and my request to those who presented please share your presentations with me. I missed quite a few due to clash with other sessions. Hope we all remain in touch and continue to share and learn from each other. Best wishes Mala Dr. Mala Kapur Shankardass Sociologist, Gerontologist, Health & Development Social Scientist ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR, Dept. of Sociology, Maitreyi College, Delhi Univ. South Campus

27 Dear Jan, Just a note to thank you, your organising committee and your Board for the very kind invitation and subsequent hospitality extended me. I really enjoyed your conference and made several important contacts. Prague was a wonderful surprise and as beautiful as everyone had told me. Once again, thank you very much. Regards, Maurice ******************************** Maurice Mars MBChB, MD. President of the South African Telemedicine Association Professor and Head of the Dept of TeleHealth Nelson R Mandela School of Medicine

28 Well done Zivot 90! HelpAge International's Affiliate in the Czech Republic, Zivot 90, was co-organising the conference with IFA. Every place you went on the conference, a staff member of Zivot 90 was there to assist you in their conspicuous yellow t-shirt! They did a great job at ensuring that everything went off smoothly! Zivot 90 During the closing ceremony of the conference on the Friday, Zivot 90's staff, led by president, Jan Lorman, received a well-deserved applause for their hard work. At the same time, the staff handed out sunflowers to the conference participants as a souvenir.Jan Lorman Mr. Lorman also handed out awards to a number of key people including soon to be 90-years-old, Helen Hamlin, who is still playing a very active role in both IFA and the New York committee on ageing. Dr Kalache was also awarded a prize for his dedication and work. Suffice to say that the conference was a great success! Exchanging experiences and knowledge-sharing with each other were great learning opportunities for everyone present.

29 Dear Gloria and Susan, Thank you both for all your hard work re the Prague conference. I participated in the May 31 session – and I thought it was an excellent session – and thanks to Susan for organizing it. Yours, Issi Dr. Israel (Issi) Doron ד " ר ישראל ( איסי ) דורון Head of the Department of Gerontology ראש המחלקה לגרונטולוגיה President of the Israeli Gerontological Society

30 Dear Lenia, Lisa, Alex and Marjan, On behalf of AGE members and ZIVOT90 who organized this successful IFA conference, I would like to thank you for your contribution to the plenary session on age-friendly environments. I heard many very positive feedback afterward and feel that both the audience and the panel learned a lot from this exchange of experience and debate. Obviously the concept of age-friendly environments has gained a lot of visibility, and sharing experience and knowledge with the broader community of public authorities, civil society organisations, researchers, service providers and industry has become a key priority for all of us. Meanwhile, I have managed to send to the European Commission the commitment AGE has built on action D4 of the EIP on age-friendly environments together with a large consortium of EU, national, regional and local stakeholders FYI (see enclosed application form sent by AGE and list of supporting partners as of 31 May 2012). I look forward to working with you all on our common objective and hope to see you again soon. Kind regards, Anne-Sophie Anne-Sophie Parent Secretary General AGE Platform Europe

31 Dear Jan, I feel a deep need to thank you again very warmly for the recent Prague experience you were the central initiator and actor of. The IFA conference has been a great experience with rich new information and perspectives as well as many most valuable contacts and personal experiences. The hospitality of your country, the city of Prague and especially of your own organization, Zivot 90, has been just wonderful and most enjoyable. Thanks for all that. I shall never forget these days in the "Golden City" - and look forward to the pleasure to meeting you soon again. Please convey my gratitude and deep thanks also to your colleagues. Warm personal regards and...... toutes mes amitiés! Dirk Dirk Jarré NGO Forum and the Ministerial UN Conference Coordinator


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