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ZveřejnilSimona Zemanová
ŠkolaZŠ Třeboň, Sokolská 296, 379 01 Třeboň AutorMgr. Ivana Trembulaková ČísloVY_22_INOVACE_2160 NázevPresent simple Téma hodinyPřítomný čas prostý - opakování PředmětAnglický jazyk Ročník/y/6. ročníky AnotaceMateriál obsahuje materiály na procvičování přítomného času prostého, jež jsou částečně zpracovány ve formě doplňování za pomoci sloves a tvoření vět za pomoci nápovědy. Žáci v nich řeší formou procvičování znalost přítomného času prostého. Očekávaný výstup Řeší jednoduché praktické úlohy a problémy, jejichž řešení je do značné míry nezávislé na obvyklých postupech školského anglického jazyka. Druh učebního materiálu Pracovní list
PRESENT SIMPLE Possitive form : 3rd person, singular - S Examples : he works, she plays !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! goes,does say – says, try - tries
Negative : do not = don´t does not = doesn´t Examples : You don´t work in an office. He doesn´t work in an office. PRESENT SIMPLE
Question : do/ does Examples : Do you work in an office ? Answer : Yes, I do. No, I don´t. Does he work in an office ? Answer : Yes, he does. No, he doesn´t. PRESENT SIMPLE
1. Set up sentences : verb play – 3.person, plural, question ……………………………………………………………………………. verb work – 1.person, singular, negative …………………………………………………………………………… verb sit - 3. person, singular, question ……………………………………………………………………………. verb go swimming – 2. person, plural, positive sentence …………………………………………………………………………….
Questions 2. Set up questions : ? We write the books for the children. She visits Scotland in November. You listen a radio in the evening. He lives on a farm. Open ……………………………………… Read ……………………………………. Give..…………………………….………. ……………………………………………..
Negatives 3. Set up negatives : _ She goes to school. It rains a lot in March. I get up at seven o´clock. They play football. She visits her grandparents. close……………………………………… clean…………………………………… ……..……………………………………
PRESENT SIMPLE 1. Make good an omission ( doplň chybějící ): I……breakfast in the kitchen. My mum and dad...... to bed at half past eleven p.m. He ………books and comics in bed. Becky and I................ TV on Saturday morning. On Thursday I......... a piano lesson. Lessons.......... at nine o´clock. At the weekend she.......... up at half past eight a.m. We............. the bus to school. They.......... their homework from three to four o´clok p.m. I.......... to sleep at ten o´clock p.m. She........... to the radio.
Výsledky : 1. Make good an omission ( doplň chybějící ): I have breakfast in the kitchen. My mum and dad go to bed at half past eleven p.m. He reads books and comics in bed. Becky and I watch TV on Saturday morning. On Thursday I have a piano lesson. Lessons start at nine o´clock. At the weekend she gets up at half past eight a.m. We take the bus to school. They do their homework from three to four o´clok p.m. I go to sleep at ten o´clock p.m. She listens to the radio.
2. Set up questions : ?............................. in bed ? read.................. TV after dinner ? watch..................... lunch at school ? have.................... in Třeboň ? at three o´clock ? finish................ to Radio Impuls ? listen..…………the bus to school ? take ………breakfast in the kitchen ? have
Výsledky : například : 2. Set up questions : ? Does she read/ Do you read in bed ? Does he watch /Do they watch TV after dinner ? Do we have / Does Jane have lunch at school ? Do you live /Does Peter live in Třeboň ? Do they finish/Does she finish school at three o´clock ? Do you listen/Does Mary listen to Radio Impuls ? Does Aneta take /Do we take the bus to school ? Do you have breakfast in the kitchen ?
3. Make the questions : ? When/have breakfast Where/do your homework When/go to school Where/have lunch When/go home When/ watch TV When/ read books Where/read books
Set up all sentences :
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