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ZveřejnilJana Holubová
www.zlinskedum Název školyStřední odborná škola a Gymnázium Staré Město Číslo projektuCZ.1.07/1.5.00/34.1007 AutorMgr. Roman Chovanec Název šablonyIII/2 – Inovace a zkvalitnění výuky prostřednictvím ICT Název DUMuEducation in GB, USA Stupeň a typ vzděláváníSŠ - Gymnázium Vzdělávací oblastCizí jazyk - anglický Vzdělávací obor79-41-K/41 Tematický okruhSlovní zásoba Druh učebního materiáluVýukový materiál Cílová skupinaŽák, 4.ročník AnotaceŽáci se seznámí s vhodnou slovní zásobou k popisu školského systému Vybavení, pomůcky- Klíčová slovaEducation, subjects Datum9.10.2013 Education in GB, USA
Obviously, there are many differences between the Czech educational system and British or American one. How do they differ? Types of schools Subjects Way of teaching and learning Problems at schools Final exams Education in GB, USA
So, what are the main differences? Which system is better in your point of view? Why? What do these pictures show? Where are the teachers from? Why? Anything else? Education in GB, USA
GB, USA Most children follow the state system. There are differences between Eng x Sco and in the USA (every state has its own school laws) At the age of 3 kids start going to.. Kindergartens / nursery schools At the age of 5 everyone starts… PRIMARY SCHOOL ( the compulsory education starts). What is it called in the USA? Education in GB, USA
ELEMENTARY SCHOOL First 2 years – kids learn to read, write and count At the age of 11 pupils start going (or visiting???) Not visiting but attending SECONDARY SCHOOL (in US English??) HIGH SCHOOL Education in GB, USA
Most schools are COMPREHENSIVE. What??? Explain it Basically it means the school is for everybody (mixed abilties, different races, social backgrounds,..) What are the pros and cons of comprehensive schools? Cons: bright ss suffer, bad ss are stressed Education in GB, USA
Grammar schools (Who are they for?) PRIVATE EDUCATION Can anybody attend it? How many Ss study at private schools? Only the brainy and rich ones, 10%. Is that fair? Better education (according to their skills and needs), better Uni and jobs Education in GB, USA
What are the main subjects? What about foreign languages? Are they good at them? Do they have any electives? Do they have any aftet school clubs? How do they learn? What are the methods of learning? (my notes: Shakespeare, detention, číčr, geology, dictatorship) Is the discipline strict? Education in GB, USA
Look at the extra material you have and discuss the following things: The way they learn School report Timetable Rate my teacher What do you think are the good and bad things? Why? Education in GB, USA
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