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ZveřejnilIrena Bláhová
1 Škola: Gymnázium, Brno, Slovanské náměstí 7 Šablona: III/2 – Inovace a zkvalitnění výuky prostřednictvím ICT Název projektu: Inovace výuky na GSN prostřednictvím ICT Číslo projektu: CZ.1.07/1.5.00/34.0940 Autor: RNDr. Bc. Miroslav Hruška Tematická oblast: Kinematics of a particle (kinematika hmotného bodu) Název DUMu: Addition of motions, velocities, vectors – B Kód: VY_32_INOVACE_FY.2.10 Datum:1. 8. 2013 Cílová skupina: Žáci středních škol s CLIL výukou fyziky v angličtině Klíčová slova:Addition of motions, addition of velocities, addition of vectors, zero vector, opposite vector to a vector Anotace: Prezentace slouží k procvičení a rozšíření učiva z učebního materiálu Addition of motions, velocities, vectors – A o skládání pohybů, rychlostí a vektorů obecně.
Kinematics of a particle 10. Addition of motions, velocities, vectors – B
3 1. Addition of motions means addition of velocities 2. When adding velocities, directions do not matter 3. Resulting velocity can be smaller than any of velocities that are added 4. When one vector aims to the north, and another aims to the south, we call them opposite vectors True or false?
Zdroj: archiv autora4 Find words about vectors 1. ital 2. hade 3. rezervotoc 4. dodaniti 5. perla magor lola 6. tre sultan 7. popise to
5 Exercise I When there is no wind, it rains at 10 m/s (vertically). Find the speed of the rain when the wind starts blowing at 5 m/s (horizontally). How do you hold your umbrella when it rains and blows (standing, walking)? v 1 = 10 m/s, vertically v 2 = 5 m/s, horizontally
6 Solution I The speed of the rain is about 11 m/s. The umbrella is held in a sloping position.
7 Exercise II A swimmer usually swims at 1.2 m/s. What is the velocity of the swimmer relative to the banks of a river flowing at 0.5 m/s? The swimmer is heading a) downstream, b) upstream. Solution II a) Downstream, the resulting velocity has the magnitude of 1.2 + 0.5 = 1.7 m/s. b) Upstream, it is 1.2 – 0.5 = 0.7 m/s.
8 Exercise III A swimmer is swimming at 0.8 m/s. She is heading perpendicularly to the banks of a river flowing at 0.6 m/s. What is the magnitude of the resulting velocity? Exercise IV A guy is walking at a) 1.2, b) 1.0, c) 0.8 m/s downwards on an escalator going upwards at 1.0 m/s. What is the direction of the resulting velocity?
9 Addition of vectors I Find the resultant v = v 1 + v 2
10 Addition of vectors II Find the resultant v = v 1 + v 2
11 Discuss in pairs: Could it be dangerous when somebody just drops an empty bottle from a train going let’s say at 100 km/h? At some sports velocity of the wind is measured. Explain why it is so important. Give some examples Addition of motions around us
12 1. is … to 2. end of a vector 3. is a … vector 4. begin of a vector 5. vector operation 6. vector quantity 7. resulting vector 8. distance divided by time Fill in, get a secret word
That is all for now Thank you for your attention
14 Materiál je určen pro bezplatné používání pro potřeby výuky a vzdělávání na všech typech škol a školských zařízeních. Jakékoliv další využití podléhá autorskému zákonu. Zdroje: Bednařík, M., Široká, M. Fyzika pro gymnázia, Mechanika. Dotisk 3. vyd. Praha: Prometheus, 2004. 288 s. ISBN 80- 7196-176-0 Hornby, A. S. Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary of Current English. 5. vyd. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1995. 1428 s. ISBN 0-19-431423-5 Autor nezaručuje funkčnost webových odkazů!
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