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example: isn't she? aren´t you? have you? do they? wasn't there? ……………… Autorem materiálu a všech jeho částí, není-li uvedeno jinak, je Mgr. Šárka Sedláčková. Dostupné z Metodického portálu ; ISSN , financovaného z ESF a státního rozpočtu ČR. Provozuje Národní ústav pro vzdělávání, školské poradenské zařízení a zařízení pro další vzdělávání pedagogických pracovníků (NÚV).
Listen, this is a very nice melody, isn't it?
Yes, that's nice, I like it. [cit ]. Dostupný pod licencí Public domain na WWW: <
QUESTION TAGS = VĚTNÉ DOVĚTKY example: isn't she, aren't you, do they,
wasn't there, have you,…….. překládáme jako: že ano, že jo, (viď?) že ne, …
Jak se tvoří? She is very nice, isn't she? (Ona) Je hezká, viď?
You are divorced, aren't you? (Ty) Jseš rozvedený/á, že ano? They have got a new car, haven't they? (Oni) Mají nové auto, že jo?
They don't like you, do they?
(Oni) Nemají tě rádi, že ano? He hasn‒t got children, has he? (On) Nemá děti, že jo? It´s a great car, isn't it? To je skvělý auto, že ano?
Jak se tvoří? You are hungry, aren't you?
KLADNÁ VĚTA ZÁPORNÝ DOVĚTEK You are hungry, aren't you? She is a new teacher, isn't she? He is very handsome, isn't he? It is your new dog, isn't it? They are very rich, aren't they? We are late, aren't we?
You aren't married, are you? He hasn't got a job, has he?
ZÁPORNÁ VĚTA KLADNÝ DOVĚTEK It isn't new, is it? You aren't married, are you? He hasn't got a job, has he? She wasn't at school, was she? They aren't siblings, are they? You don't like me, do you? We aren't late, are we?
Try on your own… You aren't listening,…………..? are you? ………………………………….
He doesn't look well, ………….? …………………………………. It was really good, …………….? She is your girl(friend), ………….? …………………………………….. are you? does he? wasn't it? isn't she
We haven't got much time, …?
……………………………………. We didn't come late, …………..? You don't know it, ……………..? They have a bath avery day, …? …………………………………….. They had a little dog, …………? have we? did we? do you? don't they? didn't they?
POZOR !!! na zájmena John is at school, isn't he? (HE) isn´t John?
Ema and Ahmed are your siblings, (THEY) Your dog is very angry, (IT) isn't he? isn´t John? aren't they? aren´t Ema and Ahmed isn't it? (he) isn´t dog?
POZOR!!! na časy She looks nice, doesn't she? (DOES)
He played football, (DID) It won't happen, (WILL NOT) doesn't she? looks not she? didn't he? played not he? will it? won it?
POZOR!!! Sloveso Have got 1. Význam mít
You haven't got children,… He has lots of money,… have they? hasn't he? 2. Významové sloveso – osprchovat – have a bath don't we? doesn't he? We have to hurry,… He has a lunch at noon,…
Try on your own Tvoji rodiče nejsou rozvedeni, že jo?
Tvůj bratr umí dobře španělsky, že ano? Neměli jsme dobrou dovolenou, že ne? Joana a Leila jsou tvoje sestřenice, viď? Sprchuješ se ve studené vodě? že jo? Paul tě opustil, viď? Your parents aren't divorced, are THEY? Your brother can speak very well Spanish, DOESN'T HE? We didn't have a good holiday, did we? Joana a Leila are your cousins, AREN'T THEY? You have a shower in cold water, don't you? Paul left you, DIDN'T HE?
Pozor!!! Rozkaz! Give it to me, ….? will you? Don't do it, ……?
would you? Let's go home, ……? shall we? shall we? Don't let's go there, ……? MODÁLNÍ SLOVESA! We should take a train,…. shouldn't we?
HOMEWORK = translate 1. To je skvělý film, že jo?
2. Neříkej to nikomu, ano? 3. Muselo to bolet, že ano? 4. Nebyli jsme tady, že ne? 5. Podívejme se na tenhle film, jo? 6. Budeš pracovat o Vánocích, viď? 7. Ona snídá v práci, že jo ? 8. Zase přišel pozdě, že ano?
Answers… That is a good film, isn't it?
Don't say that to anyone, would you? It had to hurt, didn't it? We weren't here, were we? Lets watch this movie, shall we? You will work at Christmas, will you? She has a breakfast at work, doesn't she? He came late again, did he?
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