I´ve known her since she was a child. Have you ever been to Spain? I haven´t seen her this week. David can´t come, he´s broken his leg. Znám ji od dětství.

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Prezentace na téma: "I´ve known her since she was a child. Have you ever been to Spain? I haven´t seen her this week. David can´t come, he´s broken his leg. Znám ji od dětství."— Transkript prezentace:

1 I´ve known her since she was a child. Have you ever been to Spain? I haven´t seen her this week. David can´t come, he´s broken his leg. Znám ji od dětství Byl jsi někdy ve Španělsku? Tento týden jsem ji neviděl. David nemůže přijít, zlomil si nohu. Vzorové věty Právě odešel. V poslední době jsem nebyl v kině. He´s just left. I haven´t been to the cinema recently.

2 PODMĚTPOMOCNÉ SLOVESO PŘÍČESTÍ MINULÉ ZBYTEK VĚTY I, youhave ´ve been done seen to France. my homework. a new film. He, she, ithas ´s broken read met his leg. a book her friends. We, you, they have ´ve played visited watched table tennis. to Prague. TV. PRESENT PERFECT

3 PODMĚTPOMOCNÉ SLOVESO PŘÍČESTÍ MINULÉ ZBYTEK VĚTY I, youhave not haven´t been done seen to France. my homework. a new film. He, she, ithas not hasn´t broken read met his leg. a book her friends. We, you, they have not haven´t played visited watched table tennis. to Prague. TV. PRESENT PERFECT

4 POMOCNÉ SLOVESO PODMĚTPŘÍČESTÍ MINULÉ ZBYTEK VĚTY HaveI, youbeen done seen to France? my homework? a new film? Hashe, she, itbroken read met his leg? a book? her friends? Havewe, you, they played visited watched table tennis? to Prague? TV? PRESENT PERFECT

5 brokenImyhavearm. haven´tWethedinnercooked. TomHasthelocal museum visited? swumhaveTheytheinsea. methaven´tfilmSheastar. youHavesailedaonlake?

6 Ihavebrokenmyarm. Wehaven´tcookedthedinner. HasTomvisitedthe localmuseum ? Theyhaveswuminthesea. Shehaven´tmetafilmstar. Haveyousailedonalake?

7  I´ve played ice hockey. (play)  They haven´t slept on a tent. (sleep)  Have you heard this song? (hear)  We´ve watched an English video. (watch)  The Queen hasn´t phoned me. (phone)  Has Tom written an email? (write)  Pupils have drawn a map. (draw)  The aeroplane hasn´t taken off. (take off)  Have parents painted the room? (paint)

8 eat win steal come Dad! The cat has………. your supper! Hi! Somebody has …….. your money! Surprise! Grandma has……….. to stay for a month! Dad! You have ………..the first price in the lottery! eaten stolen come won

9  http://office.microsoft.com/cs- cz/images/results.aspx?qu=zlod%C4%9Bj&ex=1#ai:MC900287591| http://office.microsoft.com/cs- cz/images/results.aspx?qu=zlod%C4%9Bj&ex=1#ai:MC900287591|  http://office.microsoft.com/cs- cz/images/results.aspx?qu=ko%C4%8Dka&ex=1#ai:MC900030452| http://office.microsoft.com/cs- cz/images/results.aspx?qu=ko%C4%8Dka&ex=1#ai:MC900030452|  http://office.microsoft.com/cs- cz/images/results.aspx?qu=babi%C4%8Dka&ex=1#ai:MC900338082| http://office.microsoft.com/cs- cz/images/results.aspx?qu=babi%C4%8Dka&ex=1#ai:MC900338082|  http://office.microsoft.com/cs- cz/images/results.aspx?qu=v%C3%BDhra&ex=1#ai:MC900439847| http://office.microsoft.com/cs- cz/images/results.aspx?qu=v%C3%BDhra&ex=1#ai:MC900439847|  http://office.microsoft.com/cs- cz/images/results.aspx?qu=zlomen%C3%A1+noha&ex=1&origin=FX010132103 #ai:MC900232427| http://office.microsoft.com/cs- cz/images/results.aspx?qu=zlomen%C3%A1+noha&ex=1&origin=FX010132103 #ai:MC900232427|  http://office.microsoft.com/cs- cz/images/results.aspx?qu=kniha&ex=1&origin=FX010132103#ai:MC9004404 24| http://office.microsoft.com/cs- cz/images/results.aspx?qu=kniha&ex=1&origin=FX010132103#ai:MC9004404 24|  Project English 3, Oxford, Tom Hutchinson, Grammar summary, p. 80 - 81

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