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Past Tense Simple Past Questions Negatives
Hello! Do you want to know about past tense? Then choose what you want to know and click. Questions Negatives Vyberte si kapitolu a kliknutím vstupte. Na stránce vždy jednou klikněte myší, počkejte, co se bude dít, a splňte úkoly. Některé věty máte napsat do sešitu. Čtěte zadání! Pak můžete zase kliknout a jít dál. Dostupné z Metodického portálu ISSN: , financovaného z ESF a státního rozpočtu ČR. Provozováno Výzkumným ústavem pedagogickým v Praze.
Simple Past Just say or write the sentences with verbs in the past! Look: Hello! Nothing is as easy as the past tense, so don’t worry! present past Jeremy goes to school. Jeremy chodí do školy. Jeremy went to school. Jeremy chodil do školy. Read and click.
Regular verbs verb + -ed (pravidelná slovesa) look – looked
phone – phoned decide – decided check – checked want – wanted like – liked love - loved Can you write these sentences in the past tense? Take your exercise books or a paper and write. Peter looks out of the window. She wants to go! I like her very much. I love sleeping! verb + -ed
Have you got the sentences?
Then you can click now and check your sentences! Peter looked out of the window. She wanted to go! I liked her very much. I loved sleeping! Easy, wasn’t it?
Do you know these verbs? to be (is, are, am) was, were have had take
go dream write give get was, were had took went dreamt wrote gave got These are irregular verbs. You must learn the past forms!
click! Have you got it? Was it difficult? Of course not!
One more exercise: Translate: Šel jsem domů. Ten film se mi líbil. (Pozor, podmět je „já“, ne „ten film“!) Chtěl jsem tu knížku. Chtěli jít. I went home. I liked the film. I wanted the book. They wanted to go. Have you got it? Was it difficult? Of course not! English is easy! click!
Go back to the start Bye! That’s all!
Now you can use the simple past tense! Bye! Go back to the start
Negatives I go to work. present – přítomný čas I went to work. past – minulý čas I didn’t go to work. past - negative I like negatives in the past! They are all the same! Just put „didn’t“ before the verb! The verb is in the present form. Don’t care about the third person (he goes, she goes) – don’t write „-s“ there!
Negatives I wanted to go. who negative verb in the present form
Negative: I didn’t want to go. who negative verb in the present form She wanted to leave. Joseph looked out of the window. Caroline went to Prague by train. Nicolas liked the film. She didn’t want to leave. Have you finished? Then click! Joseph didn’t look out of the window. Can you make these sentences negative? Write them into your exercise book. Caroline didn’t go to Prague by train. Read now! Nicolas didn’t like the film.
Now you can do negatives in the past!
How good you are! Now you can do negatives in the past! Hurray! Back to start
Questions ? It is easy - just use your brain! You can understand it, but read it properly! … and if you do not know what „properly“ is, it means „pořádně, pečlivě“ in Czech!
Questions Questions are almost the same like in the present tense. Only use „did“ instead of „do“ or „does“. Do you go with them? Jdeš s nimi? Did you go with them? Šel jsi s nimi? Do you like the book? Líbí se ti ta knížka? Did you like the book? Líbila se ti ta knížka? namísto
Sometimes you need to use „what“, „where“, „why“, „how“ or „when“
Sometimes you need to use „what“, „where“, „why“, „how“ or „when“. Start with this word! When did you go? What did you say? Where did you live? Why did you tell her? How did you do it? If you need, write them into your exercise book! Kdy jsi šel? Co jsi říkal? Kde jsi bydlel? Proč jsi jí to říkal? Jak jsi to udělal? Do you still remember? What – co, jaký Where – kde, kam When – kdy Why – proč How - jak
I said something to Kate.
What did you say to her? Tázací slovo - například kdo, kde, proč, jak (where, who, when, why, how) zbytek věty (Na) koho se ptáme? Tebe – you She, he, they, we… Vlastní sloveso, na co se ptáme (v přít. tvaru) Pomocné sloveso „do“ v min. čase Tázací slova „where“, „when“ atd. v otázce nutně být nemusí, záleží na co se ptáme. Pokud tam nejsou, věta vypadá úplně stejně, ale začíná slovem „Did“ – u všech osob. Did you go there? I hope it is clear now! Šel jsi tam?
Exercises Take your exercise books and write: 1. Make questions:
put where you did it ? her to it tell did you ? say why you that did ? leave did when she ? Have you got all the sentences? Then click and check them! Where did you put it? Did you tell it to her? Why did you say that? When did she leave? 2. Write these questions in the past: Do you like his brother? Do you play tennis? Do you want to go there? Did you like his brother? Did you play tennis? Did you want to go there?
That‘s all. Now you can go back to the start!
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