Present perfect X past simple

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1 Present perfect X past simple

2 Put the verbs into present perfect or past simple:
I ……………………..(ride) a horse many times. Susan…………………… (never/cheat) in exams . I ……………………….. (sell) my car two weeks ago. My brother………………… (not find) his lost key yet. I ……………………….. (be) to the States once. The Police………………………(just catch) the robbers. I ………….(never help) at home when I was a child. We ………………..(not eat) out yesterday.

3 Results I have ridden a horse many times.
Susan has never cheated in exams . I sold my car two weeks ago. My brother hasn´t found his lost key yet. I have been to the States once. The Police have just caught the robbers. I never helped at home when I was a child. We didn´t eat out yesterday.

4 Form sentences and questions
I / already read / the book. I / know / Jim / since last summer. you / watch / football on TV last night? How long / you / be / a teacher? She / be born / in 1990. your sister / be / to the States? I / have / the watch / for years. My friend / play footbal / when he was a boy.

5 Results I´ve already read the book. I´ve known Jim since last summer.
Did you watch football on TV last night? How long have you been a teacher? She was born in 1990. Has your sister be been to the States? I´ve had the watch for years. My friend played footbal when he was a boy.

6 Translate Když mi bylo pět, přestěhovala jsem se do Berouna.
Před měsícem jsem byla v Itálii. Můj kamarád nikdy nebyl v Itálii. Slyšel jsi včera zprávy? Neslyšela jsem o tobě celé věky. „Kde jsi byla“? „Byla jsem v bance“. Kde jsi byla o víkendu? „Kde je Petr?“ „Už odešel domů.“

7 Possible answers „Kde je Petr?“ „Už odešel domů.“
When I was five I moved to Beroun. I was in Italy a month ago. My friend has never been to Italy. Did you hear the news yesterday? I haven´t heard from you for ages. „Where have you been?“ „I have been to the bank.“ Where were you at the weekend? „Where is Peter?“ „He´s gone home“

8 Zdroje Mluvnické okruhy Maturita Solutions Intermediate Archiv autora

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