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ZveřejnilDavid Mareš
Comparatives and superlatives of adjectives ComparativSuperlativ (THE) longlongerlongest bigbiggerbiggest nicenicernicest clevercleverercleverest funnyfunnierfunniest drydrierdriest thinthinnerthinnest many moremost littlelessleast fewfewerfewest goodbetterbest badworseworst farfartherfarthest (vzdálenost) farfurther furthest (pořadí – další, poslední apod.) interestingmore interestingthe most interesting usefulless usefulthe least useful
Comparative THAN (než) FAR (far bigger = daleko větší) MUCH (much bigger - mnohem větší) A LOT (a lot bigger - mnohem větší) A BIT, A LITTLE (a bit bigger - trochu větší SLIGHTLY Superlative phrase!!!! BY FAR THE …..-EST… IN …….
Other phrases for comparing as... as (tak... jako) He's as tall as I am. She's as clever as my sister. not as... as (ne tak... jako) The Empire State Building is not as tall as Sears Tower. similar to (podobný jako) / very similar to His car is similar to mine. different from (jiný než) / very different from / sligtly different from / completely different from His car is different from mine. the same as (stejné jako) / exactly the same as / about the same as His car is the same as mine. worse than (horší než) / much worse than His car is worse than mine.
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