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Tužka na vyhlazení vrásek
Audience Mary Kay Independent Beauty Consultants and Independent Sales Directors Prerequisite Knowledge/Experience None Supplies Needed Computer with TimeWise® Targeted-Action Line Reducer workshop module loaded Monitor that connects to computer to play PowerPoint presentation TimeWise® Targeted-Action Line Reducer video {NOTE TO MARKETS: video is available through Creative Services – job # CP; specify if your master needs to show the luxe package or the value package. This video was developed for the US, so all other markets will need to send the script through their Regulatory group and make adjustments to the voiceover/script before using it in your market.} VCR or DVD player to play video Flipchart or board and markers to capture ideas For each participant Post-test Certificate of Completion Post-test answer key
PředstavujemeTimeWise® Targeted-Action™ Tužku na vyhlazování vrásek
TimeWise® Targeted-Action™ Tužka na vyhlazování vrásek nabízí více než jen rychlé výsledky. Okamžité a viditelné zjemnění mimických vrásek na čele, kolem očí, kolem rtů Při pravidelném používání vyhlazení i hlubších vrásek. Ověřeno 3 nezávislými průzkumy: 2 dermatologickými, 1 zákaznickým TimeWise® Targeted-Action™ Line Reducer offers more than quick results. This highly-effective product delivers immediate visible benefits to the forehead and crow’s-feet area, two places that are especially vulnerable to expression lines and wrinkles and often need extra help in fighting the signs of aging. But TimeWise® Targeted-Action™ Line Reducer doesn’t stop there. With continued use over time, it also delivers lasting benefits not only to forehead and eye areas, but also to the other places on your face where lines and wrinkles have a tendency to “settle.” In terms of results… this product, which is suitable for all skin types and skin tones, was loved in three separate studies! Two different dermatologists saw significant improvement. And women in the consumer study saw benefits as well. Now that you’ve heard that the product tested very well, let me explain how it works.
Jemné mimické vrásky Proč vznikají? Spojovací tkáně dermis slábnou
Poškození kolagenových a elastanových vláken Volné radikály UV záření Zmenšení tukových polštářků Svalová paměť Vrásky na čele Oční vrásky Vrásky okolo úst While fine lines are limited to the epidermis and dermis, a more-pronounced wrinkle can start in the muscle, which is much deeper. {Press down arrow to show the first point.} When connective tissue in the dermis weakens, there is less support to hold the skin up. Weakened connective tissue can show up as a fine line on the surface of the skin. Connective tissue weakens as: Collagen and elastin fibers break down Free radicals and ultraviolet light damage the cells {Press down arrow to show the next point.} As we age and as we are exposed to environmental elements, the fat pad in the subcutaneous layer thins. When the fat pad is diminished, there is less “plumpness” to hide wrinkles, so they appear more obvious. {Press down arrow to show the next point.} Many pronounced wrinkles, like expression lines, are induced by muscles. When you use a muscle to show an expression, a little crease appears on your skin. Each time you repeat the motion, the crease returns more easily (muscle memory). Couple this muscle memory with weakened connective tissue (repeated wear and tear on elastin and collagen fibers in the same area) and a thinned fat pad, and you have an expression line that becomes longer and deeper over time.
Jak TimeWise® Targeted-Action™ Tužka na vyhlazování vrásek funguje?
Částice odrážející světlo z jemných a hlubších vrásek Gliadin (zdroj aminokyselin) neviditelně vyplní jemné a hlubší vrásky, zpevní a vyhladí pleť 3 Antioxidanty (extrakt z granátového jablka, deriváty vitamínů A a E) neutralizují volné radikály, zpomalují stárnutí pleti a chrání ji před špatnými vlivy počasí. QUESTION #3: How does TimeWise® Targeted-Action™ Line Reducer work? {Press down arrow to show the answer.} ANSWER: {Post-test answer: B, C, and D} It contains ingredients that deliver visible benefits to very specific areas on the face: Light-reflecting microspheres deflect light away from lines and wrinkles Gliadin invisibly “fills in” lines and wrinkles, firming and tightening skin (Australia, Canada , Malaysia, Philippines: Gliadin invisibly “fills in” lines and wrinkles, so skin looks firmed and tightened) Antioxidants neutralize free radicals (Canada: Antioxidants)
Jak to funguje? Now, let’s recap how the product works. Take a look at this illustration of a pronounced wrinkle before applying any product. Notice how the walls of the wrinkle are shadowed. This shadowing makes the wrinkle appear deeper because of the high level of contrast with the unwrinkled portion of the skin. {Teacher – if asked, the yellow dots above the skin represent free radicals.} What are the three ways TimeWise® Targeted-Action™ Line Reducer works? {Wait for a response. The answers are: light-reflecting microspheres that deflect light away from lines and wrinkles, gliadin that fills in lines and wrinkles, and antioxidants (Canada: stop here) that neutralize free radicals.} The first way we’re going to discuss is that TimeWise® Targeted-Action™ Line Reducer has light-reflecting microspheres.
Jak to funguje? The microspheres act like thousands of tiny mirrors, deflecting light away from lines and wrinkles so they look softened and visually less pronounced within minutes of application. Notice how, in this illustration, light bounces off the wrinkle, as it would unwrinkled skin. The wrinkle seems less deep because it is “illuminated.” It’s just like if you were to look down a dark hallway… it could seem long because your eye doesn’t know where it ends. When you turn on the lights, you may find that the hallway is much less deep than you thought. The same principle applies to a depression in your skin. {This is also how the light-reflecting pigments in Facial Highlighting Pen work.} Light-reflecting microspheres magnify and bounce light off the wrinkle, optically blurring its edges, so the depression is visually lifted and appears more even with the surface of the skin. (One of the reasons why you apply this product only in targeted areas and not all over the face.)
Jak to funguje? The second way we’re going to discuss involves gliadin, which invisibly “fills in” the wrinkle. Gliadin, a rich source of amino acids, invisibly “fills in” lines and wrinkles, firming and tightening skin (Australia, Canada, Malaysia, Philippines: so skin looks firmed and tightened) without inhibiting facial expression. Notice how the wrinkle is more shallow than it was in the first illustration. What happens when a mask dries on your skin? {Wait for answers like, “it makes the skin feel tighter.”} Well, gliadin acts almost like a “wrinkle mask” when it dries on your skin. It pulls the skin a little more taut where you apply it, which lifts up the bottom of the wrinkle. Both the light-reflecting microspheres and gliadin give the illusion that the wrinkle has disappeared. But, TimeWise® Targeted-Action™ Line Reducer doesn’t stop with these temporary, visual benefits.
Jak to funguje? (All except Canada) The formula delivers benefits day after day. The formula contains three extremely effective antioxidants – pomegranate extract and vitamin A and E derivatives. – that deliver benefits day after day by: (Canada) The formula has three extremely effective antioxidants – pomegranate extract and vitamin A and E derivatives. (All except Australia, Canada, Malaysia, Philippines) Neutralizing the free radicals that can cause premature aging of the skin Helping to strengthen skin’s natural defenses against negative environmental effects (Australia, Malaysia, Philippines) Neutralizing free radicals. Free radicals can cause premature aging of the skin. In this illustration, you can see there are fewer free radicals because of the antioxidants (Canada: delete this sentence). Who can tell me what free radicals do? {Wait for answers.} As we talked about earlier, free radicals are one of the causes of connective tissue breaking down. So, neutralizing free radicals, while it does not give an immediate effect, can help with reducing the appearance of a wrinkle over the long term. One of the key points of difference between TimeWise® Targeted-Action™ Line Reducer and competitive products is that TimeWise® Targeted-Action™ Line Reducer has both immediate and long-term benefits.
Okamžité, viditelné výsledky
Před Po 33% fewer forehead lines & wrinkles po 10 minutách!* In a clinical study, a dermatologist saw that lines and wrinkles on the forehead and around the eyes appeared less noticeable. In fact, just 10 minutes after application, the dermatologist saw up to 33% fewer forehead lines and wrinkles. Až * Testováno dermatologem
fewer crow’s feet area lines & wrinkles za 10 minut!*
Immediate, Visible Benefits Před Až 50% fewer crow’s feet area lines & wrinkles za 10 minut!* Po The dermatologist also saw up to 50% fewer lines and wrinkles in the crow’s feet area. These results are amazing when you stop to think what they really mean! In just 10 minutes, you could see a third fewer lines and wrinkles on your forehead and only 50% of the crow’s feet… Think how quickly a customer could decide if this product is one they need. What ways are you thinking of sharing this with your customers? {Spend a few minutes having your participants discuss sales ideas. You might want to capture them on the board or flipchart in the classroom.} Those are some clever ways to share the product with your customers who want to reduce or smooth (Australia, Canada, Malaysia, Philippines: minimize the appearance of) their expression lines. Keep in mind, when it comes to supplements, not every customer needs every product. But for those who want to reduce or smooth (Australia, Canada, Malaysia, Philippines: minimize the appearance of) their expression lines, they’ll be able to see results within minutes! * Testováno dermatologem
Nanášení Pootočením spodní části získáte množství přípravku, které nanášíte aplikátorem a konečky prstů. Nanášejte přímo do vrásek. Jemně vklepávejte konečky prstů. Pozor: větší množství vytvoří bílý film, pudrový efekt. Setřete. As with all Mary Kay® skin care, the TimeWise® Targeted-Action™ Line Reducer was specifically formulated to work beautifully with Mary Kay® concealers and foundations to create a more flawless, youthful look. And, it’s simple to use. Before the first use, the pen must be primed (LA: delete this sentence). To do so, twist the base of the pen until a small amount of product is visible on the pen tip (LA: delete this sentence). In general, you would twist the base of pen a click or two to release the product into the applicator (LA: delete this sentence). After the first time you use this product, you'll become much more proficient at dispensing the exact amount needed to treat each area (Argentina, Brazil: check with Susana Aranda on translating the word “treat”). Apply the product directly to cleansed and moisturized skin, and then gently pat with your ring finger to ensure that the product completely fills in each line.
Co chce vědět naše zákaznice
TimeWise® Targeted-Action™ Tužka na vyhlazování vrásek je speciální přípravek s vysokou účinností na určité partie obličeje Od ostatních přípravků Mary Kay®, které bojují proti vráskám, se liší svým okamžitým efektem, vytvořením odpočinutého, mladistvého vzhledu Before I ask you some questions, let’s recap some important points your customers should know: TimeWise® Targeted-Action™ Line Reducer is designed to work on specific, targeted areas of the face… those areas that have deep lines and wrinkles The main difference between TimeWise® Targeted-Action™ Line Reducer and other TimeWise® products is that TimeWise® Targeted-Action™ Line Reducer has an immediate, visible benefit
Co chce vědět naše zákaznice
Odlišuje se tím, že má dlouhodobé účinky při pravidelném používání. Používá se jednou denně - ráno. K docílení lepšího vizuálního dojmu používejte po denním/ hydratačním krému. Zlepší se i nanášení a výsledný efekt podkladové báze. The main difference between TimeWise® Targeted-Action™ Line Reducer and competitive products is that, with continued use, it delivers long-term benefits in addition to the immediate benefits You only need to use the product once a day Applying TimeWise® Targeted-Action™ Line Reducer after moisturizer gives the best visual effect and creates a smooth surface for makeup. If you use TimeWise® Targeted-Action™ Line Reducer before moisturizer, you might “disturb” the product in the wrinkle when you apply your moisturizer. Disturbing the product lessens the illusion of an erased wrinkle.
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