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Dotkněte se inovací CZ.1.07/1.3.00/51.0024
Past simple - Questions
Základní informace Škola: ZŠ a MŠ T. G. Masaryka, Fulnek
Autor: Mgr. Sabina Svobodová Předmět: Anglický jazyk Anotace: Žáci se seznámí s tvořením otázky v minulém čase. Žáci pracují s tabletem a prezentací v PowerPointu a tvoří dotazník pro svého spolužáka. Materiál je zpracován v rámci projektu Dotkněte se inovací CZ.1.07/1.3.00/
Metodický pokyn Popis práce s materiálem
Materiál je určen pro práci s interaktivní tabulí a tablety Očekávání a cíle Žák utvoří otázku v minulém čase a odpoví na ni.
Fill in the gaps the missing verb.
Did you to USA? Did you in the sea? Did you a famous actor/actress? Did you a car? Did you a shark? Did you a horse? Did you a magazine? Did you a letter?
Check your answers. Did you go to USA? Did you swim in the sea?
Did you meet a famous actor/actress? Did you drive a car? Did you see a shark? Did you ride a horse? Did you read a magazine? Did you write a letter?
Fill in the gaps the missing verb to be.
………. you at school yesterday? ………. she at the cinema last weekend? ………. they on holiday? ………. your mother and father at the library? ………. John to USA ?
Check your answers. Were you at school yesterday?
Was she at the cinema last weekend? Were they on holiday? Were your mother and father at the library? Was John to USA ?
Make WH- questions , use past simple.
Use: What, Where, Why ,When, Who 1. …………… did you come back? 2. …………... time did you leave? 3. …………… did you go with? 4. …………… did they play tennis? 5. …………… did you miss my birthday party?
Check your answers. 1. When did you come back?
2. What time did you leave? 3. Who did you go with? 4. Where did they play tennis? 5. Why did you miss my birthday party?
Write down 5 questions and ask your partner:
Translate: Byl jsi na dovolené minulý rok? Kdy jsi snídal?
Byla tvoje sestra včera ve škole? Hrála Jana a Petra basketbal? V kolik hodin jsi psala test?
Check your answers. 1. Byl jsi na dovolené minulý rok?
Were you on holiday last year? 2. Kdy jsi snídal? When did you have a breakfast? 3. Byla tvoje sestra včera ve škole? Was your sister at school yesterday? 4. Hrála Jana a Petra basketbal? Did Jane and Petra play basketball? 5. V kolik hodin jsi psala test? What time did your write the test?
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