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Datum: Projekt: Kvalitní výuka Registrační číslo: CZ.1.07/1.5.00/ Číslo DUM: VY_22_INOVACE_49 Jméno autora: Mgr. Barbora Studená Název práce: Passive voice Předmět: Anglický jazyk Ročník: 2 Časová dotace: 30 minut Vzdělávací cíl: Vysvětlení gramatiky trpného rodu, základní procvičení. Pomůcky: Sešity, psací potřeby. Poznámka: Studenti si zapisují gramatiku do svých sešitů. Společně pak plníme některé úkoly. Inovace: Zapojení audiovizuální techniky do výuky. Procvičení gramatiky, názorná ukázka vět v trpném rodě.
Passive voice Trpný rod
The form of the passive These cars are made in Germany.
Vlastní tvar se skládá z pomocného slovesa být (v různých podobách a tvarech podle použitého času a osoby) a příčestí minulého (tzv. 3. tvar u nepravidelných sloves) významového slovesa. Be + past participle
The versions of the passive
Present simple Olives are grown in Spain. Past simple Black coal mines were closed down last year. Present perfect The parcel has been sent. Future A new swimming pool will be built next to my house. jiné
Use When we don‘t know about the agent of the action
When we don‘t care about the agent of the action e.g. The house has been built. The book was translated into 20 languages. Our school………………………. (Finish the sentence with your own idea) But when we want to say who caused the action,we use by e.g. I was invited to a party by my best friend. This song was sung by Frank Sinatra. Our lunch ………………... by……..(Finish the sentence with your own idea)
Active voice x passive voice
Somebody teaches geography at their school. Passive voice Geography is taught at their school. The object of the sentence in active voice (geography) is the subject of the sentence in passive voice.
Examples Our hotel room has been cleared up.
The painting will be sold in the auction. My mobile was broken. The windows are painted green. Tasks: 1. Identify the tenses. 2. Add by + ………………. 3. Rewrite the sentences in active voice. 4. Make similar sentences of your own
Use in English x Use in Czech
We use the passives more often in English. The text with passives looks more formal. Examples: I was given a chance to work at the University in Edinburgh. He was told that the meeting had been cancelled. This is something that children aren‘t taught at schools. What would be the meaning of these sentences in Czech?
Použité zdroje SOARS, Liz and John: New Headway, Pre-intermediate, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2007, ISBN MURPHY, Raymond: English Grammar in Use, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2004, ISBN
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