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ZveřejnilMabel Higgins
Název školy: ZŠ Varnsdorf, Edisonova 2821, okres Děčín, příspěvková organizace Jazyk a jazyková komunikace, Anglický jazyk, Minulý čas prostý pravidelných i nepravidelných sloves Autor: Michaela Galbavá, DiS. Název materiálu: VY_22_INOVACE_09/I.SADA Anotace: Prezentace je určena pro žáky II.stupně ZŠ, slouží k výkladu a opakování minulého času prostého, Období: září – prosinec 2011
Past simple of regular and irregular verbs
The simple past Use the Simple Past to express the idea that an action started and finished at a specific time in the past. Χ Past Present Future
The simple past Irregular verbs
These are not regular (the past simple doesn´t end -ed). It exists the list of irregular verbs. We have to learn them. For example: ‘go' => ‘went‘ ‘buy' => ‘bought‘ ‘be' => ‘was/were‘ Regular verbs We usually make the positive by adding '-ed' to the infinitive. For example: 'play' => 'played‘ ‘watch => ‘watched' ‘cook' => ‘cooked' ‘listen' => ‘listened‘ Spelling of regular verbs: ‘try' => ‘tried‘ ‘stop' => ‘stopped‘
The simple past You will often find the past simple used with time expressions such as these: Yesterday three weeks ago last year in 2002 from March to June for a long time for 6 weeks in the 1980s in the last century in the past
The simple past Examples: We visited my grandparents on Sunday.
America was discovered in 1492. William Shakespeare died in 1616. I did lot of work yesterday. I watched TV last night. He played football two days ago. They went to work by car. Can you tell me the present simple forms of the underlined verbs?
The simple past - negative
We use didn‘t + infinitive in past simple negatives. Examples: Positive Negative Tom played football yesterday. Tom didn‘t play football yesterday. I watched TV last night. I didn‘t watch TV last night. We bought a new car in 2010. We didn‘t buy a new car in 2010. Hana did lot of work yesterday. Hana didn‘t do lot of work yesterday.
The simple past - negative
Examples: He didn‘t have time in the morning. We didn‘t enjoy the film. She didn‘t understand the question. They didn‘t see him. didn‘t + infinitive has the same form for all persons
The simple past questions
We use did + subject + infinitive in questions: Did you play tennis yesterday? Did you watch TV last night? Where did you study? What did you do in the morning? Study these examples. What is wrong with the word order in questions number 3 and 4?
The simple past – short answers
We use: Yes, ______ did. I, you, we, they, he, she, it Did you watch TV last night? Yes, I did. Short answers: We use: No, ________ didn‘t I, you, we, they, he, she, it Did you watch TV last night? No, I didn‘t.
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