GE - Vyšší kvalita výuky

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1 GE - Vyšší kvalita výuky
Gymnázium, Brno, Elgartova 3 GE - Vyšší kvalita výuky CZ.1.07/1.5.00/ III/2 Inovace a zkvalitnění výuky prostřednictvím ICT Téma: English Grammar

2 Autor: Mgr. Bronislav Sobotka Název: Past Simple
Datum: Cílová skupina: Žáci střední školy Vzdělávací obor: Anglický jazyk Jazyk: Angličtina

3 Anotace: Metodické pokyny:
Pracovní list slouží k vysvětlení (zopakování) použití minulého času prostého (Past Simple), jeho procvičení a upevnění správného užití. Metodické pokyny: Nejprve jsou žáci seznámeni s typickým užitím tohoto času a jeho gramatickou strukturou, poté mají příležitost si užití upevnit za pomoci překladu, na konec je zařazena hra.

4 Past Simple – Usage 1 We use Past Simple when we want to say that something happened in the past. The action is finished and we often say when something happened. past present future I kissed Angelina Jolie yesterday. (The action is completed and finished.) My parents called me 10 minutes ago. (Again the action is completed.)

5 Past Simple – Usage 2 We use Past Simple when we want to say that one thing happened after another. I came home (1), turned on my TV (2) and opened (3) a beer.

6 Past Simple - Examples John was in Rome last summer.
What did you do with it? I destroyed it. I didn't kill him. You have to believe me. Did you see Tom last week? No, I didn't. I called your boyfriend and told him about you and Jim. Where did you go for lunch yesterday? First I went to Mikulášek but it was full so I went to Hilton.

7 Past Simple - Form Singular affirmative Singular negative
worked you sleept he / she / it looked Singular negative I did not work you sleep he / she / it look Singular interrogative did I work? you sleep? he / she / it look?

8 Past Simple - Form Plural affirmative Plural negative
we worked you slept they looked Plural negative we did not work you sleep they look Plural interrogative did we work? you sleep? they look?

9 Past Simple - Translation
1. Kde jsi byl? 2. Kdo to udělal? 3. Včera jsem ji neviděl. 4. Otevřel jsem dveře, podíval se na ni a odešel. 5. Kdy se to stalo? 6. Já ten oběd nesnědl. 7. Když jsem byl malý miloval jsem Ivetu B.

10 Past Simple - Translation
1. Kde jsi byl? 2. Kdo to udělal? 3. Včera jsem ji neviděl. 4. Otevřel jsem dveře, podíval se na ni a odešel. 5. Kdy se to stalo? 6. Já ten oběd nesnědl. 7. Když jsem byl malý miloval jsem Ivetu B. 1. Where were you? 2. Who did it? 3. I didn't see her yesterday. 4. I opened the door, looked at her and left. 5. When did it happen? 6. I did not eat that lunch. 7. When I was little I loved Iveta B.

11 Past Simple – What did you do in summer - Game
1) Everybody needs a piece of paper and pen or pencel. 2) Think about at least five things you did during the last summer. 3) Draw pictures representing the things you did. 4) Show it to your parner (and he or she will show you his or her pictures) and try to guess what he or she did – in other words what the pictures represent.

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