NÁZEV ŠKOLY: ZŠ Dolní Benešov, přísp.organizace

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1 NÁZEV ŠKOLY: ZŠ Dolní Benešov, přísp.organizace
AUTOR: Mgr. Marta Rozsívalová NÁZEV: VY_32_INOVACE_07_Angličtina 9.ročník TEMA: Tenses revision ČÍSLO PROJEKTU: CZ 1.07/1.4.00/211262

2 Anotace Žáci opakují pravidla tvoření přítomného a minulého času prostého a průběhového

3 Present continuous /přítomný čas průběhový/
Rules : be …………..ing /am, are, is/ now, at the moment, from – to, all time, in the picture, today, this time A: podmět be……..ing Q: be podmět …….ing N: podmět be not ……ing

4 Examples I am working now. You are playing tennis all afternoon.
She is jumping. Are you sleeping? What are they doing? He isn´reading. Dog isn´t eating in this picture.

5 Past continuous /minulý průběhový/
Rules be ……………..ing /was,were/ in the past at the time, all time, from…to, longer time, two activities—longer of them A : podmět was/were ……….ing Q : was/ were podmět ….ing N : podmět was/were not ……ing

6 Examples I was reading all afternoon.
They were speaking with their friends all the time. Was she dancing from 1 to 3 oćlock? When my brother was playing football, he fell and broke his hand. My mother was cooking, when I came. We weren´t working all afternoon.

7 Present simple /přítomný prostý/
Rules infinitiv / 3.os.jed.č. –s / using: pravidelná činnost- every samozřejmá tvrzení myšlenky, pocity, tvrzení A: podmět infinitiv/ 3.jč s/ Q: Do podmět infinitiv Does N: podmět do not infinitiv does not

8 Examples I go to school every day. My mother doesn´t work at school, she works in the factory. Do they speak English? Childern don´t eat at school canteen every day, they have lunch at grandma on Monday We live in the UK. The sun rises in the east.

9 Past simple /minulý prostý/
Rules regular verbs / pravidelná/ - ed irregular verbs / nepravidelná/ – 2.tvar Using: in the past, yesterday, last year…., ago. A: podmět - ed / 2.tvar Q: Did podmět infinitiv N: podmět did not infinitiv

10 Examples They visited Prague last weekend. Did you write this letter yesterday? I spent my holiday with family. When did she move? In September? People didn´t know mobile 100 years ago. On Monday we started lesson later than usual.

11 Citace Text je vytvořen autorem materiálu.

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