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The Passive
The Passive 1)Tvary trpného rodu v Present Simple se tvoří:
am/is/are + příčestí minulé (= - ed u pravid. sloves/'3 tvar' u nepravid. sloves) The tree is formed every spring. It is shown at TV every year.
The Passive 2)Tvary trpného rodu v Past Simple se tvoří:
was/were + příčestí minulé This goods were delivered yesterday. The goods weren´t delivered last week. When were this goods delivered?
The Passive 3)Tvary trpného rodu v Present Perfect se tvoří:
have/has + příčestí minulé The strawberries have been served for guests. The table has been covered by table cloth. Have the strawberries been served yet?
The Passive Past perfect: had + příčestí
Činný: Ann had cleaned window. Trpný:The window had been cleaned. Present continuous: am/is/are + -ing + příčestí Činný:They are mending the car. Trpný: The car is being mended Past continuous: was/were + -ing + příčestí Činný:They were building it. Trpný: It was being built. Will, can, must...+ inf. + příčestí Činný: We will pay the bill. Trpný: The bill will be paid. Činný: We must fix the computer. Trpný: The computer must be fixed.
The Passive Věta v trpném rodě převádí pozornost z podmětu na předmět činných vět: Shakespeare wrote Hamlet in1599.Hamlet, one of the great dramatic tragedies, was written by Shakespeare. Trpný rod není jiný způsob, jak vyjádřit stejnou činnost. Trpný nebo činný rod použijeme podle toho, co nás více zajímá. V první větě nás více zajímá Shakespeare, v druhé Hamlet.
The Passive V trpném rodě se často vynechává by+ činitel, tj. Osoba, která věc vykonala. Je tomu tak z těchto důvodů: Činitel je znám: My flat was burgled last night. Činitel není důležitý: This bridge was build in 1986. Chápeme, kdo je činitel: I was fined for speeding.
The Passive POZOR! Mnoho minulých příčestí se používá jako přídavné jméno: I'm very interested in modern art. I was surprised by his behaviour. We were very worried about you. Aren´t you bored by the news? I´m exhausted! I´ve been working all day.
The Passive Použitá literatura: Oxford Practice Grammar, Norman Coe Oxford, 2006
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