ŠKOLA: Základní škola Velké Karlovice, okres Vsetín

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1 ŠKOLA: Základní škola Velké Karlovice, okres Vsetín
AUTOR: Mgr. Pavla Šrubařová NÁZEV: VY_22_INOVACE_AKON_29_Free_time TEMA: Free_time ČÍSLO PROJEKTU: CZ.1.07/1.4.00/ 1 1

2 Výukový materiál: EUPŠ _OP VK_Šrubařová_AJ2_29_Free_time Šablona: III/2 Sada: AJ2 Autor: Mgr. Pavla Šrubařová Vytvořeno: Leden 2013 Ověřeno: Ročník: 6 a výše Druh učebního materiálu: Prezentace Vzdělávací oblast: Jazyk a jazyková komunikace Předmět: Anglický jazyk Tematický okruh: Konverzace Téma: Free time Anotace: Témata k rozhovoru. Jaké jsou Vaše koníčky? Video s úkoly na téma volný čas ve Velké Británii. Zeptejte se spolužáka a pak tlumočte celé třídě, co říkal. Hádanka – popište volnočasovou aktivitu a nechte ostatní hádat, co to je. Poznámky:

3 What do you usually do in your free time? Free time activities

4 Free time Topics for conversation: When do you have your free time?
What are your typical free time activities? Do you have enough free time? Do you like to spend your free time alone or with friends or family? Would you like to have more free time? What would you do with it?

5 Free time Hobbies – interests or activities that somebody does in their free time for fun or pleasure. What are your hobbies? What do you like doing outside? What do you like doing inside? Have you got any favourite winter/summer hobby? Do you prefer active to pasive hobbies?

6 Free time You are going to watch a video about free time in Great Britain Here are the tasks: 1) What free time activities do young people in Britain do? Watch television, listen to music, surf the Internet, skateboard, play rugby, play tennis, swimming, play football, play cricket, go sailing, go to town, see my friends, go to drama group and dance group. 2) What do the British people do in their free time at home? Listen to the radio, listen to CD, reading, visiting their friends and family, watching TV.

7 Free time Ask your partner and then tell the whole class. Zeptej se spolužáka a potom řekni celé třídě. What free time activity do you do the most often? What free time activity have you never tried? What free time activity would you like to try? What free time activity would you never do? What is the most strange activity you have heard of? Where do you spend most of your free time? Is there a hobby that you would like to try?

8 Free time Describe to your partner one free time activity – do not tell what it is. Is he/she going to guess? Popište partnerovi jednu volnočasovou aktivitu, ale neříkejte, co to je. Uhádne správně? I do it as often as I can. I usually start in the evening and finish in the morning. I change into special clothes for this activity. I also need a special piece of furniture. I can do this activity also during the day but it is more difficult. What is it??? Sleeping :o))

9 Free time Použité zdroje: http://office.microsoft.com

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