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ZveřejnilŠtefan Tichý
Základní škola Velké Karlovice, okres Vsetín ŠKOLA: Základní škola Velké Karlovice, okres Vsetín Mgr. Pavla Šrubařová AUTOR: Mgr. Pavla Šrubařová VY_22_INOVACE_AKON_My_weekend NÁZEV: VY_22_INOVACE_AKON_My_weekend My weekend TEMA: My weekend CZ.1.07/1.4.00/21.1529 ČÍSLO PROJEKTU: CZ.1.07/1.4.00/21.1529
Výukový materiál: EUPŠ _OP VK_Šrubařová_AJ2_27_My_weekend Šablona:III/2 Sada:AJ2 Autor: Mgr. Pavla Šrubařová Vytvořeno: Duben 2013 Ověřeno: Ročník: 6 a výše Druh učebního materiálu: Prezentace Vzdělávací oblast: Jazyk a jazyková komunikace Předmět: Anglický jazyk Tematický okruh: Konverzace Téma:Weekend Anotace: Víkend – v čem se liší od běžných pracovních dní. Jaké činnosti děláme o víkendu. Můj obvyklý víkend, srovnání se spolužákem – procvičení přítomného času prostého a zejména 3. os. j. č. Vyprávění o minulém víkendu – procvičení minulého času. Používání příslovcí času. Psaní – popis ideálního víkendu – použití podmiňovacího způsobu. Poznámky:
My weekend What do I usually do at weekends What did I do last weekend Comparing weekend plans
My weekend What is a weekend? What is a weekend? Weekend is time between Friday night and Sunday night. People usually do not have to go to school or work. That´s why our weekend activities are usually different from our weekday activities. Say a few verbs to describe your weekend activities. Are they different from your weekday activities? Weekend is time between Friday night and Sunday night. People usually do not have to go to school or work. That´s why our weekend activities are usually different from our weekday activities. Say a few verbs to describe your weekend activities. Are they different from your weekday activities?
My weekend Weekend verbs :o) Weekend verbs :o) Make sentences with these verbs about your weekend Vytvořte věty o svém víkendu – použijte tato slovesa
My weekend Ask your partner what is his/her usual weekend programme. Tell the class. Ask your partner what is his/her usual weekend programme. Tell the class. Zeptejte se spolužáka jaký je jeho obvyklý víkend. Pak to řekněte třídě. Zeptejte se spolužáka jaký je jeho obvyklý víkend. Pak to řekněte třídě. Compare his/her weekend with yours. Compare his/her weekend with yours. Srovnejte spolužákův víkend s vaším. Srovnejte spolužákův víkend s vaším. EXAMPLE: EXAMPLE: Emma usually gets up at 7 o´clock. I get up much later – at 11 o´clock. Robert has his lunch at 2 p.m.. I usually have lunch earlier – at 12.
My weekend Are your weekend days the same? Is Saturday different than Sunday? Do you do different things? Are your weekend days the same? Is Saturday different than Sunday? Do you do different things? Do you prefer Saturday to Sunday? Or Sunday to Saturday? Why? Do you prefer Saturday to Sunday? Or Sunday to Saturday? Why? Is weekend just your time or do you share it with somebody? Who? How? Is weekend just your time or do you share it with somebody? Who? How?
My weekend Tell us about your last weekend… Use the following words: Tell us about your last weekend… Use the following words: First First Then Then Next Next After that After that Later Later At the end - finally At the end - finally
My weekend Imagine your ideal weekend. Where would it be? Who with? What would you do? Use the transitions: First, then, next, after that, later, at the end, finally. Imagine your ideal weekend. Where would it be? Who with? What would you do? Use the transitions: First, then, next, after that, later, at the end, finally. Write a short paragraph about your perfect weekend. Write a short paragraph about your perfect weekend.
My weekend Použité zdroje:
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