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ZveřejnilJaromír Mareš
Word order Střední škola pedagogická, hotelnictví a služeb, Litoměřice, příspěvková organizace 412 01 Litoměřice, Komenského 3 Autor: Pavel Vágai
Cílová skupina: žáci středních škol Vzdělávací obor: anglický jazyk Tematický okruh: Název: Word order Jméno autora: Jméno autora: Mgr. Pavel Vágai Vytvořeno dne: 1.pololetí školního roku 2013/2014 Anotace: Prezentace je určena pro žáky středních škol, seznamuje se základními pravidly slovosledu v anglickém jazyce. Prezentace obsahuje cvičení s klíčem. Klíčová slova: word order, slovosled Metodický popis: prezentace
Word order Remember: English is analytic language (word order conveys meaning, not inflections- as it is with most other Indo- European languages) Wrong word order leads to misunderstanding
Word order Nearly all sentences begin with subject- the person or thing that ”does” the verb: S He | goes. S My mother-in-law | is at home.
Word order Every sentence has a verb (go, stay, live, work, etc). It can be one word: or a group of words: v v He | goes. She | stayes. (present simple) v v They | were singing. He | was laughing. (past contiuous)
Word order Some verbs take an object: S v o S v o She | hit | him. I | like | them. or two - indirect and direct object: S v o i o d I | must send | my parents| an anniversary card.
A sentence can include information about where „thing happens“ (adverbials) : or when „things happen“: Word order S v A His car | is | in front of the house. S V A She | woke up | at six.
Word order or how „things happen“: S V A She | left | through the window. or a combination of adverbials: S v A A A He | gets up | from his bed | in a hurry | every morning.
Word order Object can be followed by a complement: S V O C She | found | his lectures | interesting|. or by an adverbial: S V O C You | can leave | the keys | in the bag.
Quiz Put the words into correct order to make a sentence: 1. goes, every morning, to school, he, by bus 2. her dog, Jane, twice a day, feeds 3. the money, they, yesterday, him, gave, 4. put, the dish, you, should, on the table 5. found, her lessons, most students, reasonable helpful
Quiz - key 1. He goes to school by bus every morning. 2. Jane feeds her dog twice a day. 3. They gave him the money yesterday. 4. You should put the dish on the table. 5. Most students found her lessons reasonable helpful.
Source Source 1: Walker, E., Elsworth, S., Grammar Practice for Elementary Students, Longman, 2000. Source 2: Greenbaum, S., Quirk, R., A Student´s Grammar od the English Language, Longman, 2010.
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