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ZveřejnilMiroslav Špringl
Gymnázium, Brno, Elgartova 3 GE - Vyšší kvalita výuky CZ.1.07/1.5.00/34.0925 III/2 Inovace a zkvalitnění výuky prostřednictvím ICT Téma: English Grammar
Autor: Mgr. Bronislav Sobotka Název: Present Perfect Continuous Datum: 26. 3. 2014 Cílová skupina: Žáci střední školy Vzdělávací obor: Anglický jazyk Jazyk: Angličtina
Anotace: Pracovní list slouží k vysvětlení (zopakování) použití předpřítomného času průběhového (Present Perfect Continuous), jeho procvičení a upevnění správného užití. Metodické pokyny: Nejprve jsou žáci seznámeni s typickým užitím tohoto času a jeho gramatickou strukturou, poté mají příležitost upevnit si jeho užití za pomoci překladu, na konec je zařazena hra.
Present Perfect Continuous – Usage 1 We use Present Perfect Continuous when we want to say for how long is somehing happening. The activity started and it is not finished. We use FOR for saying how long is something happening and SINCE for saying when the activity started (and it is still happening) past started present future I have been sitting here for 20 minutes. He has been wating here since two o'clock. How long have you been living in Brno?
Present Perfect Continuous – Usage 2 We use Present Perfect Continuous when we can see the result of the activity that has recently stopped (vidím, co jsi dělal). past presentfuture You are wet. Have you been swimming? Why are you so dirty? What have you been doing? I am really tired. I have been working very hard.
Present Perfect Continuous - Examples I have been watching this film for almost two hours. How long has she been working in this pub? Have you been waiting here since morning? You are walking funny. Have you been drinking? I am covered in sweat because I have been exercising. I am tired, I have been studying since Morning.
Present Perfect Continuous - Form Singular affirmative Singular negative Singular interrogative
Present Perfect Continuous - Form Plural affirmative Plural negative Plural interrogative
Present Perfect Continuous - Translation 1. Jak dlouho tu knihu čteš? 2. Plaval jsi? (vidí, že jsi mokrý) 3. Děláme na tom od půlnoci. 4. Proč je celý zelený? Co dělal? 5. Sním o tom celý život. 6. Nečekám dlouho. 7. Stojím tu dvě hodiny.
Present Perfect Continuous - Translation 1. Jak dlouho to čteš? 2. Plaval jsi? (vidí, že jsi mokrý) 3. Děláme na tom od půlnoci. 4. Proč je celý zelený? Co dělal? 5. Sním o tom celý život. 6. Nečekám dlouho. 7. Stojím tu dvě hodiny. 1. How long have you been reading it? 2. Have you been swimming? 3. We've been working on it since midnight. 4. Why is he all green? What has he been doing? 5. I have been dreaming about it all my life. 6. I haven't been waiting long. 7. I have been standing here for 2 hours.
Present Perfect Continuous – How long have you been game - Rules 1) Think about one interesting question about how long somebody has been doing something (in Present Perfect Continuous) and write it down on a piece of paper. 2) When the teacher tells you, go and ask everybody in the class your question and write down their answers. 3) When you have asked everybody, sit down and prepare a report about your findings. 4) Tell the class what your question was and what you found out.
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