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ZveřejnilPatrik Bílek
Název školy: Základní škola a mateřská škola, Hlušice Autor: PaedDr. Vaňková Marcela Číslo projektu: CZ.1.07/1.4.00/21.3235 Název: VY_32_INOVACE_1A_12_ Past continuous Téma: Anglická gramatika v 7. a 8. ročníku ZŠ
ANOTACE: 1) Materiál je určen pro žáky 2. stupně ZŠ. 2) Úvodní věty – seznámení s časem Past continuous. 3) Dle tabulek učitel objasní žákům tvorbu minulého času průběhového. Struktura kladné věty, záporné věty, otázky. 4) Následuje procvičení vět dle obrázků a výběru sloves. Nejprve doplňování vět pouze dle obrázků. Následně možno využít nápovědy – slovesa v rámečku. Kontrola je po odhalení barevného obdélníka. 5) Porovnání vět: present continuous x past continuous – po odhalení barevného obdélníka. Věty možno napsat. 6) Zařazení materiálu do úvodních hodin – Past continuous.
PAST CONTINUOUS I was doing my homework at seven last night. Tom wasn´t working then. Was the sun shining?. Včera v sedm hodin večer jsem dělal domácí úkol.. Tomáš tehdy nepracoval.. Svítilo slunce? Example Were you having lunch when she came? Were they talking about me? Yes, I was. No, I wasn´t. Yes, they were. No, they weren´t.
PAST CONTINUOUS - AFFIRMATIVE SUBJECTTO BEVERB + ing … Iwas driving walking studying swimming to Scotland. home. at London University. in the river.. He, she, itwas We You They were
PAST CONTINUOUS - NEGATIVE SUBJECTTO BE + not VERB + ing … I was not wasn´t driving walking studying swimming to Scotland. home. at London University. in the river. He, she, itwas not wasn´t We You They were not weren´t
PAST CONTINUOUS - Q UESTIONS TO BESUBJECTVERB + ing …? …? WasI driving walking studying swimming to Scotland? home? at London University? in the river? Washe, she, it Were we you they
What were the people doing yesterday evening? Use the past continuous. Look at the pictures. (Help: the words in the box). cook supper dance drive home not watch TV play cards The woman is having breakfast. He is opening a letter. She is playing the piano. The cars are crashing. He is drinking coffee. The ball is breaking the window. At 9.15 Sarah was playing cards. At 10.30 Fred and Alice were dancing. At 8.20 Paul was cooking supper. At 7.50 Mary was driving home. At 11.00 Oliver wasn´t watching TV. Compare with the present continuous. Write sentences in the past continuous: is / isn´t was / wasn´t are / aren´t were / weren´t
CITACE: cz/images/results.aspx?qu=%C5%A1kola&ex=1&origin=MP900422176#ai:MP900439470|||čníci#ai:MC900360714|mt:0||žena#ai:MP900427629|mt:0|||mt:0||| Essential Grammar in Use, Raymond Murphy, Cambridge University Press, 1997 Project English 3, Oxford, Tom Hutchinson, Grammar summary Angličtina, Školní kurz gramatiky, Maria Birkenmajer, E. Maňko, Infoa 2008 The Good Grammar Book, Michael Swan, Catherine Walter, Oxford University Press, p. 48
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