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Dotkněte se inovací CZ.1.07/1.3.00/51.0024 Indirect Speech Statements
Explanation with Exercises
Škola: Gymnázium Dr. Emila Holuba Autor: Mgr. Zuzana Buberová Předmět: Anglický jazyk Anotace: Prezentace základních pravidel využití a tvarů nepřímé řeči určená studentům 2. ročníku SŠ a odpovídajících ročníků víceletých gymnázií. Materiál je zpracován v rámci projektu Dotkněte se inovací CZ.1.07/1.3.00/51.0024 Základní informace
Use We use the indirect speech (also referred to as "reported speech ") to comment on what someone said in the past. Example: Mark said he hadn‘t bought the tickets.
Form When reporting, the tense of the original direct speech sentence needs to be shifted: Present Simple Past Simple Present Continuous Past Continuous Past Simple Past Perfect Simple Will Future Would Present Perfect Past Perfect Past Continuous Past Perfect Continuous
Transform the statements from direct speech into indirect speech. "It is supposed to be sunny," said Mark. Helen told Peter: "Tom won‘t pass the exam." He said to May: "I was trying to call you during the party." "I owe him £5," Jane said. They shouted: "Someone has stolen our car!" "The children are playing in the garden," the woman told her husband.
Solution: Mark said (that) it was supposed to be sunny. Helen told Peter (that) Tom wouldn‘t pass the exam. He said to May (that) he had been trying to call her during the party. Jane said (that) she owed him £5. They shouted (that) someone had stolen their car. The woman told her husband (that) the children were playing in the garden.
Finish the following sentences with your own ideas:
Suggested Answers: Ellen's father told her: „ You were lying to me about your test results!" " You failed," he said. "I will study hard to improve myself," she replied quietly.
Suggested Answers: Ellen's father told her that she had been lying to him about her test results!" He said (that) she had failed. She replied quietly that she would study hard to improve herself.
Metodický pokyn Popis práce s materiálem Materiál je určen pro práci s interaktivní tabulí a tablety při hodinách anglického jazyka Očekávání a cíle Žáci si procvičí transformaci anglické přímé řeči na řeč nepřímou a opačně.
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