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Horizont 2020 představení výzev pro rok 2015 Monika Vrbková 21. března 2014.

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Prezentace na téma: "Horizont 2020 představení výzev pro rok 2015 Monika Vrbková 21. března 2014."— Transkript prezentace:

1 Horizont 2020 představení výzev pro rok 2015 Monika Vrbková 21. března 2014

2 Societal Challenges  Food Security, sustainable agriculture and forestry, marine and maritime and inland water research and the bioeconomy  Climate action, environment, resource efficiency and raw materials  Health, demographic change and wellbeing Obsah

3 Výzvy 2015  Výzvy na rok 2015 součástí pracovních programů 2014-2015 ALE témata, data a rozpočet se mohou měnit  Systém pro podávání projektů bude otevřen v průběhu 2014  Důležité sledovat Participant Portal  Informační dny  NCP  Naďa Koníčková: Food Security, sustainable agriculture and forestry, marine and maritime and inland water research and the bioeconomy  Jana Čejková: Climate action, environment, resource efficiency and raw materials  Judita Kinkorová: Health, demographic change and wellbeing

4 Participant Portal  Vyhledání vhodných výzev  Přístup ke všem oficiálním dokumentům  Registrace a administrace účtu jednotlivých organizací  Vytvoření a odeslání návrhu projektu  Administrace projektu  Reporting Evropské komisi  Registrace nezávislých expertů pro hodnocení projektů  Podpora (FAQ, kontakty, novinky,…)

5 Pracovní program Klíčové charakteristiky každého tématu:  Specific challenge (stanoví obsah, definuje problém)  Scope (specifikuje zaměření, vymezuje hranice aktivit)  Expected impact (klíčové výsledky)  Type of action

6  výzkum a inovace pro zajištění bezpečných, zdravých a kvalitních potravin a inovačních biotechnologických průmyslových produktů a rozvoj služeb pro podporu souvisejících ekosystémů  rozvoj udržitelné primární produkce, která využívá efektivněji dostupné zdroje a je šetrná k prostředí  urychlení přechodu k udržitelné evropské bioekonomice a přispění k rychlejšímu zavedení nových technologií  Udržitelné zemědělství a lesnictví  Udržitelný a konkurenceschopný agropotravinářský sektor  Potenciál rybářství, akvakultur a mořských biotechnologií  Udržitelný a konkurenceschopný bioprůmysl Food Security, sustainable agriculture and forestry, marine and maritime and inland water research and the bioeconomy

7 Sustainable food production systems Deadline: 24/02/2015 First Stage, 11/06/2015 Second Stage  SFS-01c-2015: Assessing sustainability of terrestrial livestock production  SFS-2b-2015: Assessing soil-improving cropping systems  SFS-5-2015: Strategies for crop productivity, stability and quality  SFS-7b-2015: Management and sustainable use of genetic resources  SFS-10b-2015: Scientific basis and tools for preventing and mitigating farmed mollusc diseases  SFS-11b-2015: Consolidating the environmental sustainability of European aquaculture  SFS-13-2015: Biological contamination of crops and the food chain  SFS-18-2015: Small farms but global markets: the role of small and family farms in food and nutrition security

8 Food Security, sustainable agriculture and forestry, marine and maritime and inland water research and the bioeconomy SFS-01c-2015: Assessing sustainability of terrestrial livestock production  Rozpočet: 7 mil. EUR (projekty 5-7 mil. EUR)  Type of action: Research and innovation actions  Specific Challenge: improve sustainability and productivity of terrestrial livestock systems through breeding, nutrition and health  Scope: assessment of the sustainability and potential delivery of ecosystem services, social services, resilience, competitiveness and possible trade-offs of diverse EU animal production systems

9 Food Security, sustainable agriculture and forestry, marine and maritime and inland water research and the bioeconomy SFS-2b-2015: Assessing soil-improving cropping systems  Rozpočet: 9 mil. EUR (projekty 9 mil. EUR)  Type of action: Research and innovation actions  Specific challenge: more sustainable crop management strategies to maintain or increase soil fertility  Scope: assessment of the real benefits that soil-improving cropping systems and agronomic techniques, e.g. precision farming, crop rotations, conservation agriculture

10 Food Security, sustainable agriculture and forestry, marine and maritime and inland water research and the bioeconomy SFS-5-2015: Strategies for crop productivity, stability and quality  Rozpočet: 15 mil. EUR (projekty 3-5 mil. EUR)  Type of action: Research and innovation actions  Specific Challenge: stagnating yields and yield gaps, building resilience to biotic and abiotic threats and further progress in crop improvement  Scope: smart approaches and tools to improve identification, prediction and introduction of useful genetic variation in crops, as well as favourable combinations of genotypes and management practices in a range of environments

11 Food Security, sustainable agriculture and forestry, marine and maritime and inland water research and the bioeconomy SFS-7b-2015: Management and sustainable use of genetic resources  Rozpočet: 20 mil. EUR (projekty 5-7 mil. EUR)  Type of action: Research and innovation actions  Specific challenge: Widening the genetic basis of crops, forest trees and animals as well as diversifying production  Scope: comprehensive actions to improve the status and use of (in particular European) ex-situ and in-situ genetic collections, more specifically, support acquisition, conservation, characterisation/evaluation and especially the use of specific genetic resources in breeding, farming and forestry activities

12 Food Security, sustainable agriculture and forestry, marine and maritime and inland water research and the bioeconomy SFS-10b-2015: Scientific basis and tools for preventing and mitigating farmed mollusc diseases  Rozpočet: 11.5 mil. EUR s 11b (projekty 4 mil. EUR)  Type of action: Research and innovation actions  Specific challenge: threats related to a large variety of pathogens that hamper production and require specific preventive and curative practices and tools ensuring a high level of biosecurity of aquaculture production and related seafood products  Scope: minimising transmission and impact of disease, while addressing risk assessment and management of infected farmed molluscs

13 Food Security, sustainable agriculture and forestry, marine and maritime and inland water research and the bioeconomy SFS-11b-2015: Consolidating the environmental sustainability of European aquaculture  Rozpočet: 11.5 mil. EUR s 10b (projekty 7,5 mil. EUR)  Type of action: Research and innovation actions  Specific challenge: lack of spatial planning as one of the factors hindering the expansion of European aquaculture  Scope: new tools for predicting and assessing the carrying capacity of the ecosystems at different geographic scales, taking into account specificities of the main European aquaculture segments and diversity of ecosystems in the main producing regions

14 Food Security, sustainable agriculture and forestry, marine and maritime and inland water research and the bioeconomy SFS-13-2015: Biological contamination of crops and the food chain  Rozpočet: 10 mil. EUR (projekty 3-5 mil. EUR)  Type of action: Research and innovation actions  Specific challenge: control the incidence of mycotoxins in crops and reduce contamination throughout the feed and food chains  Scope: reducing the risk of mycotoxin contamination in crops and all along the feed and food chains

15 Food Security, sustainable agriculture and forestry, marine and maritime and inland water research and the bioeconomy SFS-18-2015: Small farms but global markets: the role of small and family farms in food and nutrition security  Rozpočet: 4.5 mil. EUR (projekty 4-5 mil. EUR)  Type of action: Research and innovation actions  Specific challenge: ability of small farms to maintain more diverse mixed production systems and the role of labour-inclusive family farms in maintaining an adequate rural/urban balance and enabling territorial development  Scope: assessment of the role of family farms and other small food businesses and particularly those with small structures in achieving sustainable FNS, evaluating the means by which such entities could respond to the expected increase in demand for food, feed and fibre under ever scarcer resources

16 Food Security, sustainable agriculture and forestry, marine and maritime and inland water research and the bioeconomy Innovative, Sustainable and Inclusive Bioeconomy Deadline: 24/02/2015 First Stage, 11/06/2015 Second Stage Sustainable Agriculture and Forestry  ISIB-3-2015: Unlocking the growth potential of rural areas through enhanced governance and social innovation  ISIB-4b-2015: Improved forest management models  ISIB-6-2015: Converting CO2 into chemicals

17 Food Security, sustainable agriculture and forestry, marine and maritime and inland water research and the bioeconomy ISIB-3-2015: Unlocking the growth potential of rural areas through enhanced governance and social innovation  Rozpočet: 6 mil. EUR (projekty 6 mil. EUR)  Type of action: Research and innovation actions  Specific challenge: balanced development of rural areas by enabling them to capitalize on their distinctive territorial capital and thus 'turn diversity into strength‚  Scope: analysis of social innovation in agriculture, forestry and rural development, encompassing its complexity and various dimensions as well as its impact on unfolding the territorial capital in different regional contexts

18 Food Security, sustainable agriculture and forestry, marine and maritime and inland water research and the bioeconomy ISIB-4b-2015: Improved forest management models  Rozpočet: 5 mil. EUR (projekty 5 mil. EUR)  Type of action: Research and innovation actions  Specific challenge: sustainability of a multipurpose EU forestry, maintaining the socio-economic, and environmental functions of forests by improving the record of forest data, systems of monitoring and management models  Scope: the improvement of forest management models and stand-related techniques, including but not limited to species composition (including climate-adaptive genetics/breeding and assisted migration), age distribution, rotation/harvesting period, sustainable yields, restocking modalities (afforested land may also be analysed) and natural disturbances risk management

19 Food Security, sustainable agriculture and forestry, marine and maritime and inland water research and the bioeconomy ISIB-6-2015: Converting CO2 into chemicals  Rozpočet: 6 mil. EUR (projekty 6 mil. EUR)  Type of action: Research and innovation actions  Specific challenge: CO 2 originating from the use of fossil resources continues to accumulate in the atmosphere, accelerating climate change with disrupting impacts on the biosphere  Scope: innovative technologies to use CO 2 from the atmosphere or captured in industrial processes as a direct feedstock for chemical production beyond algal biorefinery concepts

20 Food Security, sustainable agriculture and forestry, marine and maritime and inland water research and the bioeconomy Strategické dokumenty:  Evropská strategie pro bioekonomiku n.pdf  Strategické výzkumné agendy Evropských technologických platforem  Evropské inovační partnerství – Agriculture  PPP Biobased Industry

21 Climate action, environment, resource efficiency and raw materials  hospodářství, které účinně využívá zdroje a je odolné vůči změnám klimatu  ochrana přírodních zdrojů a ekosystémů, zvýšení konkurenceschopnosti Evropy a zlepšení životních podmínek  udržitelné dodávky surovin  Odpady  Inovace v oblasti vody  Změny klimatu  Ochrana životního prostředí  Neenergetické a nezemědělské suroviny  Ekoinovace  Systémy pozorování Země

22 Climate action, environment, resource efficiency and raw materials Waste: A Resource to Recycle, Reuse and Recover Raw Materials Deadline: 16/10/2014 First Stage, 10/03/2015 Second Stage  WASTE-6a-2015: Eco-innovative solutions  WASTE-6b-2015: Eco-innovative strategies  WASTE-7-2015: Ensuring sustainable use of agricultural waste, co-products and by-products

23 Climate action, environment, resource efficiency and raw materials WASTE-6a-2015: Eco-innovative solutions  Rozpočet: 30 mil. EUR (projekty 8-10 mil. EUR)  Type of action: Innovation actions  Specific challenge: growing waste produced in Europe, particularly in urban areas, where the vast majority of the world population are expected to live by 2050  Scope: integrated urban metabolism approach and inter- disciplinary research and innovation, demonstration of integrated eco-innovative cost- and energy-efficient technologies, processes and services for waste prevention, treatment, enhanced collection, recycling and recovery of high-grade valuable materials from waste

24 Climate action, environment, resource efficiency and raw materials WASTE-6b-2015: Eco-innovative strategies  Rozpočet: 10 mil. EUR (projekty 4-5 mil. EUR)  Type of action: Research and innovation actions  Specific challenge: growing waste produced in Europe, particularly in urban areas, where the vast majority of the world population are expected to live by 2050  Scope: integrated urban metabolism approach and inter- disciplinary research and innovation, development of innovative and sustainable strategies for waste prevention and management in urban and peri-urban areas

25 Climate action, environment, resource efficiency and raw materials WASTE-7-2015: Ensuring sustainable use of agricultural waste, co-products and by-products  Rozpočet: 14 mil. EUR (projekty 7 mil. EUR)  Type of action: Research and innovation actions  Specific challenge: agriculture generates co-products, by- products and waste streams that are currently not properly taken care of both in environmental and economic terms  Scope: evaluation of existing techniques and development of new and innovative approaches for efficient use of agricultural waste, co-products and by-products, thereby contributing to the creation of sustainable value chains in the farming and processing sectors (including the organic sector)

26 Climate action, environment, resource efficiency and raw materials Water Innovation: Boosting its value for Europe Deadline: 16/10/2014 First Stage, 10/03/2015 Second Stage  WATER-2b-2015: Integrated approaches to food security, low-carbon energy, sustainable water management and climate change mitigation

27 Climate action, environment, resource efficiency and raw materials WATER-2b-2015: Integrated approaches to food security, low- carbon energy, sustainable water management and climate change mitigation  Rozpočet: 15 mil. EUR (projekty 6-8 mil. EUR)  Type of action: Research and innovation actions  Specific challenge: rising demands of a growing world population for food, water, materials and energy putting increasing pressures on land use, water resources and ecosystems  Scope: integrated approaches to food security, low-carbon energy, sustainable water management and climate change mitigation

28 Health, demographic change and wellbeing  Pochopení determinant zdraví, podpora zdraví a prevence nemocí  Rozvoj účinných programů preventivních vyšetření a hodnocení náchylnosti chorobám  Zlepšení dohledu a připravenosti zdravotnických služeb  Porozumění nemoci  Vývoj účinných vakcín  Rozvoj diagnostických metod  Počítačové modelování léčby a predikce chorob  Přenos výzkumné znalosti pro běžné použití v klinické praxi  Léčba specifických skupin pacientů  Lepší využívání zdravotnických údajů  Rozvoj vědeckých nástrojů a metod pro tvorbu zdravotní politiky  Aktivní stárnutí, podpora nezávislého i asistovaného života  Posílení individuální péče o vlastní zdraví  Podpora integrované péče  Optimalizace účinnosti a výkonnosti zdravotní péče, redukce nerovností s využitím medicíny založené na důkazech, šíření správné klinické praxe

29 Health, demographic change and wellbeing Personalising health and care Deadline: 14/10/2014 First Stage, 24/02/2015 Second Stage  PHC 14 – 2015: New therapies for rare diseases

30 Health, demographic change and wellbeing PHC 14 – 2015: New therapies for rare diseases  Rozpočet: 60 mil. EUR (projekty 4-6 mil. EUR)  Type of action: Research and innovation actions  Specific challenge: most of the 6000-8000 rare diseases are lacking therapies despite many diseases being life- threatening or chronically debilitating  Scope: development of new or improved therapeutic approaches, for repurposing of existing therapies, as well as for preclinical research, animal model development and good manufacturing practice (GMP) production

31 Děkuji za pozornost Monika Vrbková

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