Obchodní akademie, Ostrava-Poruba, příspěvková organizace Vzdělávací materiál/DUM Businessland / Introductions 06B2 AutorLadislava Pechová Období vytvořeníŘíjen 2013 Ročník/věková kategorie3.r., let Vyučovací předmět/klíčová slova Introduce, respect, title, informal, CEO, suggestions, inconvenient, „break the ice“, helpful. Anotace Tento výukový materiál je věnován situacím, kdy se setkáváme s novými lidmi a představujeme se, formálně i neformálně. Také navázání kontaktu a začátek rozhovoru je někdy obtížné. Studenti zde najdou několik návrhů, jak jednoduše situaci zvládnout.
INTRODUCING YOURSELF Obr. 1 I don’t think we have met. I’m Lucy Bell.
INTRODUCING OTHERS Let me introduce you. John, this is Donald Shepherd. Obr.2 Donald, this is John Stevenson. Pleased to meet you. How do you do?
INTRODUCING OTHERS I think you two have already met: Obr.3 Donald Shephard - Jane Stevenson. Oh, yes; nice to see you again. How are you?
INTRODUCING PEOPLE Using a surname is polite and shows respect. Using a first name is informal and more common in the US. People with a title are addressed by their title + first name (Good morning, Sir Henry) SURNAMES TITLE FIRST NAME
What would you say to the following people when you meet them for the first time? Sir Henry Lock (at the bank) Mrs Small (at the formal lunch) Obr. 4Obr. 5 Obr. 6
What would you say to the following people when you meet them for the first time? Mr Green (a Dutch customer) C.W.Walter (your new CEO) Obr. 7 Obr. 8 Obr. 9
‘Breaking the ice’ Often the first words are the most difficult. Here are some suggestions how to ‘break the ice’: Sorry, I am a little early. I hope it is not inconvenient. I like your office. Have you been here long? It is quite cold today, isn’ t it?
Who said the following, a host or a visitor? Did you have a good trip? It’s kind of you to come all this way. People are very helpful here. On my way to meet you I have seen…. Would you like a cup of coffee? host visitor host
Who said the following, a host or a visitor? Is this your first visit here? Sorry, I’m a little bit early. I hope it’s not inconvenient. You found us without too much difficulty, I hope. Is the weather the same in your country? host visitor host
Bibliography MELVILLE,E., NORMAN,S. We Mean Business. Harlow, England: Longman Group Ltd., ISBN s. 1 – 2.
Zdroje Obr.1 AUTOR NEUVEDEN. office.microsoft.com [online]. [cit ]. Dostupný na WWW: Obr.2 AUTOR NEUVEDEN. office.microsoft.com [online]. [cit ]. Dostupný na WWW: Obr.3 AUTOR NEUVEDEN. office.microsoft.com [online]. [cit ]. Dostupný na WWW: Obr.4 AUTOR NEUVEDEN. office.microsoft.com [online]. [cit ]. Dostupný na WWW:
Zdroje Obr.5 AUTOR NEUVEDEN. office.microsoft.com [online]. [cit ]. Dostupný na WWW: Obr.6 AUTOR NEUVEDEN. office.microsoft.com [online]. [cit ]. Dostupný na WWW: Obr.7 AUTOR NEUVEDEN. office.microsoft.com [online]. [cit ]. Dostupný na WWW: Obr.8 AUTOR NEUVEDEN. office.microsoft.com [online]. [cit ]. Dostupný na WWW: Obr.9 AUTOR NEUVEDEN. office.microsoft.com [online]. [cit ]. Dostupný na WWW:
The end of course No.2 Thank you for your attention. Ladislava Pechová