S ITUATION Karlštejn is situated 25 km from Prague
H ISTORY Gothic castle Karlštejn was found in 1348 by Charles IV. There were stored imperial crown jewels The castle was finished in 1365
C HAPEL OF THE S T. C ROSS IN THE G REAT T OWER Master Theodorik painted these pictures
P ICTURES Karlštejn. [cit ] In Novinky.cz. Dostupné z: Mapa. [cit ] In Kudy z nudy. Dostupné z: mistrem-Theodorikem-i-Otcem-vlasti.aspx mistrem-Theodorikem-i-Otcem-vlasti.aspx Kaple sv. Kříže. [cit ] In hrady.dějiny.cz. Dostupné z: