1)Musíš jet do nemocnice. 2)Zítra musíme brzy vstávat. 3)Tom musí navštívit babičku. 4)Musíme čekat. 5)Nemusíš si s tím dělat starosti. 6)Museli jsme napsat domácí úkol. 7)Kate musí nosit brýle na čtení. 8)Paul nemusel studovat na vysoké škole. 9)Museli jste si vzít dovolenou? 10)Co musíš nakoupit? 11)Nemusíme nosit školní uniformy. 12)Musí se Susan starat o svou mladší sestru? 13)Musím pilně studovat.
1)You have to go to hospital. 2)I have to get up early tomorrow. 3)Tom has to visit his grandma. 4)We have to wait. 5)You don´t have to worry about it. 6)We had to write our homework. 7)Kate has to wear glasses for reading. 8)Paul didn´t have to study at university / college. 9)Did you have to take holidays? 10)What do you have to buy? 11)We don´t have to wear school uniforms. 12)Does Susan have to look after her younger sister? 13)I have to study hard.