Presentation of the company Přerov 2009
CONTENT about us activities of the company 1) educational activities 2) organizational activities and Conference Services 3) service and promotional activities 4) project activities conclusion references contact details
ABOUT US PPS - Institute of lifelong education Přerov, Ltd. was established on 16 7. 1999, ie. the date of entry into the Commercial Register kept by Regional Court in Ostrava, Section C, File 20917, and is located at Palacky Street No 1380/19 in Přerov. We are a member of the Association of institutions for adult education and have representation in the Regional Association of Human Resources Development. We regularly take part in Weeks of adult education and fairtrade AEDUCA. In developing and organizing educational activities, we work closely with the College of Logistics o.p.s., Private Professional Secondary School of Business Přerov, Ltd. and Higher Vocational School of Business Přerov, Ltd.
ACTIVITIES OF THE COMPANY The main activity of PPS - Institute of lifelong education Přerov, Ltd. is primarily educational activities in various areas, as well as providing assistance in organization and presentation of public events, lectures, conferences and training. Last but not least, we also provide services in project management in the areas of human resources management.
1) educational activities accredited training programs and post-secondary education specialized courses for selected professional groups– education of teaching staff, City Police officers, workers in public administration… educational programs and courses for staff of companies and institutions training courses and seminars for the general public (professional courses, preparation, language, interest) comprehensive training programs for companies and individuals– in the areas of logistics, marketing, personnel and human resource management, management, and management skills, business and communication skills, economics and business, work on the PC, learning languages) preparatory courses for pupils of primary school, students of secondary and higher schools, universities. re-training courses
2) organizational activities and Conference Services services in the field of organizing conferences seminars and training sessions lectures, meetings, workshops parties, professional and social events charitable events and beneficial activities sporting and cultural events ……
3) service and promotional activities services for the partner schools and institutions ensuring the promotion, advertising, press releases, leaflets, promotional items… production and processing of other promotional printings ordering books, textbooks, professional journals representation and promotion of institutions in fairs and exhibitions creating and updating a database of companies, institutions, schools ......
4) project activities cooperation on projects processing of project documentation participation in designing themes for the project writing ……
CONCLUSION Our Strategy We are not only implementing a training program, but we also want to show the possibility for increasing the quality and broadening the knowledge of companies‘ and institutions‘ employees. We want to develop their skills to use the information obtained effectively at their work. According to our experience we prefer mutual cooperation with the client so that a comprehensive system of regular and effective education is created. Its main aim is to improve the quality of workers and thus increase the competitiveness and efficiency of companies and institutions.
REFERENCES Companies Educational Institutions Government AGROFERT HOLDING, a.s. (Přerov), LÉKÁRNA U NÁDRAŽÍ PŘEROV s.r.o., BETONIKA spol. s r.o. (Lobodice), Meopta - optika, s.r.o. (Přerov), C-FAS GROUP a.s. (Přerov), Moravia - metal spol. s r.o. (Přerov), ENERGOPROJEKTA Přerov, spol. s r.o., PIK s.r.o. (Přerov), "FORMEL" spol. s r.o. (Přerov), HASEO, v.o.s. (Bělotín), PSS Přerovská stavební a.s., PSP Pohony a.s. (Přerov), Karel Řehoř - ASTER (Olomouc), PSP Technické služby a.s. (Přerov), KAZETO, spol. s r.o. (Přerov), RD Rýmařov s.r.o., KLAZA spol. s r.o. (Přerov), RESTA s.r.o. (Přerov), KOHOUT invest v.o.s. (Hranice), TOMI CZECH s.r.o. (Přerov) Educational Institutions MŠ Brodek u Přerova, ZŠ Dřevohostice, MŠ Horní Moštěnice, ZŠ Troubky, MŠ Tučín, ZŠ U Tenisu (Přerov), Speciální MŠ A & J s.r.o. (Přerov), ZŠ Velká Dlážka (Přerov), SVC a ZŠ Sluníčko, s.r.o. (Přerov), ZŠ Za Mlýnem (Přerov), ZŠ a MŠ Bochoř, ZŠ Želátovská (Přerov), ZŠ a MŠ Boženy Němcové (Přerov), Gymnázium Kojetín, ZŠ a MŠ Pavlovice u Přerova, OU KřenoviceZŠ a MŠ Pod Skalkou (Přerov), SSOŠŽ (Přerov), ZŠ a MŠ Prosenice, VOŠŽ (Přerov), ZŠ a MŠ Rokytnice Government Krajský úřad Olomouc, Úřad práce v Přerově - pobočka Hranice, MěÚ Šumperk - odbor SOC, Úřad práce v Přerově, Úřad práce v Olomouci
PPS - Institute of lifelong education Přerov, Ltd. CONTACT DETAILS Office: PPS - Institute of lifelong education Přerov, Ltd. (The College of Logistics) PALACKÉHO 1381/25, 750 02 PŘEROV TEL: +420 581 259 138 FAX: +420 581 259 130 MOBILE: +420 724 972 133 E-MAIL: Billing address: PALACKÉHO 1380/19, 750 02 PŘEROV IČ: 25841181 DIČ: CZ-25841181