Základní škola Jakuba Jana Ryby Rožmitál pod Třemšínem Efektivní výuka pro rozvoj potenciálu žáka projekt v rámci Operačního programu VZDĚLÁVÁNÍ PRO KONKURENCESCHOPNOST School – 3. ročník
What is in the picture ? a pencil 2.a pen 3.a table
What is in the picture ? a pencil 2.a pen 3.a bag
What is in the picture ? a ruler 2.a book 3.a rubber
What is in the picture ? a pencil 2.a ruler 3.a bag
What is in the picture ? a bag 2.a pen 3.a book
What is in the picture ? a rubber 2.a ruler 3.a book
What is in the picture ? a computer 2.a bag 3.a book
What is in the picture ? a rubber 2.a ruler 3.a blackboard
What is in the picture ? a bag 2.a computer 3.a desk
What is in the picture ? a blackboard 2.a cassette 3.a pencil-case
What is in the picture ? a desk 2.a ruler 3.a table
What is in the picture ? a pencil - case 2.a pencil 3.a rubber
What is in the picture ? a pupil 2.a boy 3.a teacher
What is in the picture ? pupils 2.teachers 3.dogs
Téma: School - 3. ročník Použitý software: držitel licence - ZŠ J. J. Ryby v Rožmitále p.Tř. Windows XP Professional TurningPoint internet Autor: Mgr. Eva Hocková ZŠ J. J. Ryby v Rožmitále p.Tř. (