Název školy: ZŠ Bor, okres Tachov, příspěvková organizace Autor: Mgr. Irena Šeneková Vytvořeno dne: 3.3.2014 Název: VY_32_INOVACE_7A_AJ7_17_ Body parts Číslo projektu: CZ.1.07/1.4.00/21.3534 Vzdělávací oblast: Angličtina Téma: Revision Ročník: 7. ročník Klíčová slova: body parts, human body
Anotace Žáci si procvičí části lidského těla. Obrázky se mohou využít v soutěži, kdo si zapamatoval nejvíce nových slovíček.
Practice makes perfect! Body parts
hand neck mouth shoulder tongue knee arm chest
stomach finger bottom foot nose ear teeth head
nail brain fist muscle eyelid lungs heart cheek
forehead belly button big toe thigh ankle calf heel chin
joint leg sole hair kidney skull bone rib
middle finger index finger ring finger little finger (pinkie) thumb palm wrist
ooft selg sone senfrgi haoscmt riha dhan eekn humto derloush nich deha Unscramble the letters and write down the body parts. ooft selg sone senfrgi haoscmt riha dhan eekn humto derloush nich deha cenk eechk foot legs nose fingers stomach hair hand knee mouth shoulder chin head neck cheek KEY
KEY W_tch out, here c_mes the monster! Read the text and fill in the missing letters. W_tch out, here c_mes the monster! He h_s got three h__ds, four b_g e_es and two large m__ths. His f_ce is red. He has got six __rs, but he h_sn‘t got a n_se. His h__r is blue and gr__n. His n_ck is long and t_in. He is very t_ll and he l__ks very danger__s. He has got e__ht _rms and eight h__ds, but he‘s got only two finge_s in each. He has got a big r__nd stoma__. He‘s got three l_gs and two f__t. He w_lks very f_st. He likes to k_ck and d_nce. KEY
KEY Watch out, here comes the monster! He has got three heads, four big eyes and two large mouths. His face is red. He has got six ears, but he hasn‘t got a nose. His hair is blue and green. His neck is long and thin. He is very tall and he looks very dangerous. He has got eight arms and eight hands, but he‘s got only two fingers in each. He has got a big round stomach. He‘s got three legs and two feet. He walks very fast. He likes to kick and dance.
Answer the following questions: KEY How many ears has the monster got? How many heads has the monster got? True or False? The monster has got small eyes. What colour is his face? Has he got a nose? What colour is his hair? What is long and thin? True or False? The monster looks dangerous. How many arms has he got? What is big and round? How does he walk? What does he like to do? Six ears. Three heads. False. Red. No, he hasn‘t. Blue and green. His neck. True. Eight. His stomach. Very fast. Kick and dance.
Citace: GAUDET, Jonathan. Angličtina od začátku. Havlíčkův Brod: Pierot s.r.o., rok vydání neuveden, 361 publikace, ISBN 978-80-7353-285-7. Obrázky – Human Body VÍT, Marek. www.helpforenglish [online]. [cit. 24.2.2014]. Dostupný na WWW: http://www.helpforenglish.cz/article/2006072366-human-body Obrázky – www.helpforenglish.cz Použito se svolením majitele autorských práv. Galerie Microsoft Office – klipart