Digitální učební materiál Střední hotelová škola, s.r.o. Floriánské náměstí 350, 272 01 Kladno Digitální učební materiál Číslo projektu CZ.1.07/1.5.00/34.0112 Název projektu Moderní škola Název školy Střední hotelová škola, s.r.o., Floriánské nám. 350, Kladno Předmět Anglický jazyk Tematický okruh Pamětihodnosti ČR Téma Prague Castle Ročník 2. Jméno autora Mgr. Dalibor Bartoš Datum tvorby 5. 1. 2013 Anotace Student se seznámí s hlavními památkami na Pražském hradě.
Prague Castle
Basic information Prague Castle is a castle in Prague where the Kings of Bohemia, Holy Roman Emperors and presidents of Czechoslovakia and the Czech Republic have had their offices. The Czech Crown Jewels are kept here. Prague Castle is the biggest castle in the world.
St.Vitus Cathedral St. Vitus Cathedral is the largest and the most important church in Prague. The first stone was laid in the year 1344 in the reign of Charles IV. The very important place in the cathedral is Chapel of St. Wenceslas (popular Czech saint). There is an entrance to the Crown Chamber with Bohemian crown jewels.
Golden Gate The Golden Gate - the southern entrance to the cathedral of St. Vitus - is decorated with a unique work of art, a coloured, richly gilded mosaic representing the Last Judgement from 14th century.
Old Royal Palace The Old Royal Palace was up to 16th century the seat of Bohemian kings. Palace contains monumental Vladislav Hall in Late Gothic style.
St.George Basilica St. George`s Basilica was founded about 920 by Prince Vratislav I. There are tombs of the Premyslid dynasty of princes there.
Golden Lane Golden Lane is a very little street with nice little houses. They were inhabited by the castle servants, perhaps goldsmiths and the castle marksmen. Frantz Kafka lived in a house No. 22 from 1916 to 1917.
Name the sights
St.Vitus Cathedral
St.George Basilica
Old Royal Palace - Vladislav Hall
Video (click on the picture to play)
Použité zdroje BAUER, Stefan. wikipedia [online]. [cit. 6.2.2013]. Dostupný na WWW: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Hradschin_Prag.jpg BARÁNEK, Daniel. wikipedia [online]. [cit. 6.2.2013]. Dostupný na WWW: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Praha,_Katedr%C3%A1la,_JV_ 01.jpg SILESIUS, Petrus. wikipedia [online]. [cit. 6.2.2013]. Dostupný na WWW: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Prag_Vladislav- Saal.jpg HELLINTERFACE, Hellinterface. wikipedia [online]. [cit. 6.2.2013]. Dostupný na WWW: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:St_Vitus.jpg DILIGENT, Rémi. wikipedia [online]. [cit. 6.2.2013]. Dostupný na WWW: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Prague_Castle_St_George.JPG