ŠKOLA: Gymnázium, Chomutov, Mostecká 3000, příspěvková organizace AUTOR: Mgr.David Rohusch NÁZEV: VY_32_INOVACE_03C_17_Family TEMA: Slovní zásoba ČÍSLO PROJEKTU: CZ.1.07/1.5.00/34.0816 DATUM TVORBY: 1/8/2013
ANOTACE Materiál je určen k interaktivní výuce Materiál je určen pro žáky úrovně A2,B1. Časově je koncipován na jednu vyučovací hodinu. Cílem této prezentace je připravit žáka na všeobecné téma k ústní maturitní zkoušce z AJ: “Family“ Žák bude schopen komunikovat na dané téma (odpovídat na otázky, vést rozhovor) za použití vhodné slovní zásoby. Slide 2: Žáci si opakují vztahy v rodině přiřazováním. Slide 3: Studenti doplňují do textu Slide 6: Studenti debatují na dané otázky. Materiál je určen k interaktivní výuce
Family members Immediate/extended family Match the words Your mum‘s grandmother niece Your wife‘s mother mother-in-law Your brother‘s daughter son-in-law Your daughter‘s husband great grandmother Your brother‘s wife sister-in-law Your mum‘s sister cousin Your uncle‘s son aunt
Fill in the words Foster, orphan, step, single, widowed, gatherings, newly, stag, groom, hen Edgar Allan Poe was an …… at age of 2. Before his ……..and…….mother could find a …..father, she died and little Edgar got into a ……..family. Weddings are happy family……… .But before wedding bride-to-be invites girls to her…….party, ending up much better than the …….. at his ……party. And after weeding the………weds move in together.
Fill in the words Foster, orphan, step, single, widowed, gatherings, newly, stag, groom, hen Edgar Allan Poe was an orphan at age of 2. Before his widowed and now single mother could find a step father, she died and little Edgar got into a foster family. Weddings are happy family gatherings.But before wedding bride-to-be invites girls to her hen party, ending up much better than the groom at his stag party. And after wedding the newly weds move in together.
Make two teams to have a debate What are pros and cons of being an only child compared to a big family Talk about the social roles within the family
CITACE Zdroje : http://www.bridge-online.cz/, archiv autora