Present simple and present continuous
Present simple and present continuous (přítomný čas prostý) se používá pro děj, který probíhá každý den, obvykle,často... I clean my teeth every day before I go to school. He plays tenis on Saturdays. We go to the mountains three times a year
Present simple and present cotinuous Slovesa vyjadřují obecný stav.... My bike is red. Mary lives in Brno. The sea is calm. She speaks English, does she?
Present simple and present continuous Slovesa vyjadřující myšlení a názor.... She believes you. Do you understand me? I know this beetle, but I forget its name. What do you mean?
Present simple and present continuous Slovesa pocitů a emocí.... I like scuba diving. I hate black coffee. Do you want to go swim? I don´t care. She really appreciates your help.
Present simple and present continuous Slovesa vlastnictví a bytí.... They have a great time! This dog belongs me. How much does it cost?
Present simple and present continuous Slovesa smyslového vnímání..... They look a little bit scary! The material feels so soft.What is it?. This sounds like the Beatles to me. You smell like monkey !
Present simple and present continuous (přítomný čas průběhový) se používá pro děje, které probíhají právě v tomto okamžiku.... She is cutting a chocolate cake. It is raining! Are you enjoying this party? I´m studying,can you be guiet?
Present simple and present continuous K vyjádření plánované budoucnosti.... I´m having lunch with my friends tomorrow. We´re meeting at 9.00 outside the chemist´s. She is planning to come tomorrow.
Present simple and present continuous Pro děje, které nejsou dokončeny, ale nemusí probíhat v daném okamžiku rozhovoru.... I´m improving my garden during the summer. Angela is a student, but she is working as a waitress during the holidays. I´m living with friends until I find a place of my own.
Present simple and present continuous Pokud chceme vyjádřit myšlenku změny nebo rozvoje....můžeme použít průběhový tvar i u sloves, která normálně nejsou v průběhovém tvaru. These days, more and more people are prefering holiday in Africa. The water is tasting better today.
Present simple and present continuous Použitá literatura: Oxford Practice Grammar, Norman Coe, Oxford 2008