Název projektu: Digitalizace výuky oboru Kosmetické služby Číslo projektu: CZ.1.07/1.5.00/34.0535 Škola: Soukromá střední odborná škola Břeclav, s.r.o., Mládežnická 3, 690 02 Břeclav Předmět: Anglický jazyk Ročník: 3. Téma: Významné vynálezy vědy a techniky Tematický okruh: Věda a technika Jméno autora: Jana Adámková Datum tvorby: 19.06.2014 Kód materiálu: OPVK_1.5_DUM_III/2_ANJ 19 AD Soubor: VYSTUPY/VY_32_inovace_ANJ 19 AD Anotace: výukový materiál je určen k seznámení žáků s významnými vynálezy a objevy vědy a techniky.
Science and technology
Science A procces of discovery how the natural world works. It is done through experimentation and observation. It deals with many different branches chemistry math space human body etc.
Technology Making, knowlage and methods of tools and machines. It helps us to solve the problems.
Important inventions of human being The wheel – the longest used invention in human history The printing machine invented in 15th century, the first printed book was the Bible The steam engine – invented by James Watt, this invention speeded up every industrial procces The microskope – very important invention which helped to undestand some diseases
The electric light – lightbulbs an d many other important inventions by Thomas Alva Edison. The telephone – an invention which helped people to be in contactunless the aren‘t in the vicinity. X Rays – discovered by Wilhelm Rontgen, discovery which can identify many diseases.
Inventions of 20th century 1949 - the first practical computer was invented. 1953 - the structure of DNA was discovered. 1961 – soft contact lenses were invented by Otto Wichterle 1984 - the CD was firstly made. 1973 – the first mobile phone was demonstrated. 1992 – the Internet was activated worldwide.
Zdroje: http://newaspirants.wordpress.com http://eden-saga.com http://1hdwallpapers.com http://www.charlestonscientific.com.sg http://sproutmoney.com http://www.cwu.edu http://firstpcandapplecomputers.blogspot.cz/