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Název SŠ: SŠ-COPT Uherský Brod Autor: Ing. Hana Kubišová, Ph.D. Název prezentace (DUMu): History of Weapons Název sady: Technical English for students.

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Prezentace na téma: "Název SŠ: SŠ-COPT Uherský Brod Autor: Ing. Hana Kubišová, Ph.D. Název prezentace (DUMu): History of Weapons Název sady: Technical English for students."— Transkript prezentace:

1 Název SŠ: SŠ-COPT Uherský Brod Autor: Ing. Hana Kubišová, Ph.D. Název prezentace (DUMu): History of Weapons Název sady: Technical English for students of study branch Technician Gunsmith 2 nd, 3 rd and 4 th class Číslo projektu: CZ.1.07./1.5.00/34.0727 Datum vzniku: 9.9.2012 Uvedení autoři, není-li uvedeno jinak, jsou autory tohoto výukového materiálu a všech jeho částí. Tento projekt je spolufinancován ESF a státním rozpočtem ČR. 1

2 Záměrem této sady výukových materiálů s názvem Technical English je ukázat žákům, kteří se v této oblasti vzdělávají, jaký byl vývoj zbraní. Jednotlivé DUMy (prezentace) v této sadě popíší postupně tematické oblasti, které jsou probírány v předmětu Anglický jazyk na naší SŠ. Konkrétně tato prezentace je zaměřena na historický vývoj zbraní. 2

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4  Do you know the definition of weapon?  What types weapons do you know?  Do you know the history of weapons?  Do you know the history of weapons and guns?  Do you know the definition of guns? 4

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8  Development of weapon was dependent on the human evolution.  Weapons were used in prehistory.  Neanderthal used stone as a tool and a weapon. 8

9  Later, they attached the sharp stone to the wood handgrip.  Neanderthal could make an axe, a saw, a chisel, or a fishing rod.  Neanderthal found a sharp stone. 9

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11 What techniques could the prehistoric man control?  Neanderthal knew shape stone grinding and smoothing.  The bow and the arrow are very important discoveries.  Another discovery is the shield and the armor. 11

12 What materials were used?  The most common materials were used leather and later plant materials.  The stone and the copper were used for production of weapons at the end of Neolithic. 12

13  What weapons were used in the Neolithic?  A bow, an arrow, a copper helmet and a dagger. 13

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15  The attack weapons:  a short sword;  two meters long lance;  The largest progress of tactics, weapons and armour were achieved by Romans. 15 A horse A horseman An arrow

16  How was weapons development?  The Romans used:  a lance;  a spear;  a double-edged sword;  a copper or a bronze helmet;  a shield. 16

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18  Romans were the first to use the iron for the manufacture of weapons and armor.  Mining machines, hammers, throwing and projectil machines, catapults were invented.  Barbarians improved technique bashing helmets, shields, armor and swords in the early Middle Ages.  Hatchets and spears were made from high-grade steel. 18

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20  Weapons are developed in the Middle Ages.  Knight armor consisted of:  shield, spear, sword, helmet and chain mail.  Axes and spears were made from high-grade steel.  The bow was used and the range was 400 metres.  Arrow penetrates armor and chain mail = difficult defense. 20

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23  China or English monk Roger Bacona with a German Bernoldem Schwartzem? Or Arabs?  Gunpowder found practical use in the middle of 13th century in the Europe.  Gunpowder influenced other weapons development. 23

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25  When was first weapons used?  Was fire important? Why?  What weapons were used in the Neolithic?  What weapons were used in the Bronze Age ?  What weapons were used in the Iron Age?  Who discovered gunpowder? 25

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27  Neanderthal used stone as a weapon against tribes and animals (use in prehistory).  Neanderthal could shape a stone.  Shields were discovered andwere used for defense.  Gunpowder was discovered in the Middle Ages. 27

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29  KŘÍBEK, J. Střelné zbraně I. část, 2. vyd. Brno: PC- DIR spol. s.r.o., 1995.  ELMAN, J. a Michalíček, V. Česko-Anglický technický slovník, 1. vyd. Praha: Sobotáles, 2002. 29

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31  Snímek č.6 [cit. 2013-22-08] Dostupný pod licencí Public Domain na WWW eads.jpg eads.jpg  Snímek č. 8 [cit. 2013-22-08] Dostupný pod licencí na Public Domain na WWW 10.png?uselang=cs 10.png?uselang=cs  Snímek č. 9 [cit. 2013-20-08] Dostupný pod licencí na Public Domain na WWW  Snímek č. 13 [cit. 2013-20-08] Dostupný pod licencí na Public Domain na WWW  Snímek č. 19 [cit. 2013-20-08] Dostupný pod licencí na Public Domain na WWW unhuang.jpg unhuang.jpg  31

32  Snímek č. 14 [cit. 2013-20-08] Dostupný pod licencí na Public Domain na WWW Anthropology-9.png Anthropology-9.png  Snímek č. 17 [cit. 2013-20-08] Dostupný pod licencí na Public Domain na WWW  Snímek č. 19 [cit. 2013-20-08] Dostupný pod licencí na Public Domain na WWW unhuang.jpg unhuang.jpg  Snímek č. 22 [cit. 2013-20-08] Dostupný pod licencí na Public Domain na WWW oyunlu_wariors_in_Museum_of_History_of_Azerbaijan.jpg oyunlu_wariors_in_Museum_of_History_of_Azerbaijan.jpg 32

33  Snímek č. 23 [cit. 2013-20-08] Dostupný pod licencí na Public Domain na WWW _and_Qaraqoyunlu_wariors_in_Museum_of_History_of_Azerbaijan.jpg _and_Qaraqoyunlu_wariors_in_Museum_of_History_of_Azerbaijan.jpg 33

Stáhnout ppt "Název SŠ: SŠ-COPT Uherský Brod Autor: Ing. Hana Kubišová, Ph.D. Název prezentace (DUMu): History of Weapons Název sady: Technical English for students."

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