Jan Ledvina 3.C Stem cells
Definition Stem cells are prime undifferentiated cells which have two main abilities. 1. They are immortal 2. They are undiferentiated
Asymmetric division Symmetric self- renewal Asymmetric differentiation Symmetric differentiation
Classification According to differentiation potential Unipotent Multipotent Pluripotent Totipotent
Embryonic stem cells Pluripotent Immortal Obtained from human embryos Cultivation Used in stem cells differentiation research
Stem cells in tissues Supposed in every human tissue Multipotent Reparation system Niche
Stem cells in tumours Few in a tumour Mutation in Niche Special treatment
Use PossibleImpossible Cell therapy Therapeutic cloning
Thank you for your attention
Sources Ústav histologie a embryologie [online], 2013 Dostupné z: Buněčná Terapie, O kmenových buňkách[online], Dostupné z: Stem Cell Basics: Introduction. In Stem Cell Information [online]. National Institutes of Health, 2002 Dostupné z: Wikipedie otevřená encyklopedie, nádorová kmenová buňka [online], Dostupné z: Koukal Milan, 21. století, Kmenové buňky se rvou se smrtí[online], Dostupné z Fulka Josef, Vesmír [online], 2003 Dostupné z: