Travelling Předmět Autor: Mgr. Alžběta Fojtů

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1 Travelling Předmět Autor: Mgr. Alžběta Fojtů
Inovace výuky na Gymnáziu Otrokovice formou DUMů CZ.1.07/1.5.00/ Předmět Travelling Autor: Mgr. Alžběta Fojtů

2 Vocabulary go by bike = cycle go on foot = walk go by car = drive
take = last go by bus/taxi/train = take/catch give somebody a lift to = drive sb to 20. září 2013

3 Vocabulary • GET IN • GET OUT OF • GET ON • GET OFF
• SLOW DOWN • BREAK DOWN • TAKE OFF • LAND 20. září 2013

4 Complete the sentences
She always drives to school. = She always goes to school by car. When it rains, I take the bus to work. = When it rains, I _______ to work__________. I always walk to the supermarket. = I always __________ to the supermarket ___________. He often goes to shop by bike. = He often _____________ to shop. My mum always goes to work by car. = My mum always _____________ to work. Do your teachers go to school on foot? = Do your teachers ______________ to school? 7 My sister drives me to the railway station every Sunday. = My sister _______me _______ to the railway station every Sunday. go by bus go on foot cycles drives walk gives a lift 20. září 2013

5 Complete the sentences
_____________! You´re going too fast! The train stopped and everybody _____________. After 15 minutes flying around the airport the pilot safely __________ on the runway. What time does the plane_____________? At 8.55 a.m. I can´t _____________ because I can´t open the car door. The driver _____________ his van and went into the café. It´s a great car. It never _________________. Don´t _____________ that bus. It´s a wrong number. Slow down got off landed take off / land get in / out got out of breaks down get on 20. září 2013

6 Complete the sentences
1 You shouldn´t ________________ a bike without a helmet. 2 He told her to _________ the car and fasten his ____________. 3 Buses to the airport _____________ every 20 minutes. 4 The pilot couldn´t ______________ in bad weather. 5 We are late, we must ______________ a taxi. 6 I left my house later than usual so I __________________ the bus. 7 Our train leaves from ________________6. 8 I waited at the _____________ for 15 minutes but no buses arrived. 9 I couldn´t get on the first bus because it was _________________. 10 Buses are not very _____________, you cannot rely on them. 11 When I got to the station there was a long ____________ of people waiting for the train. ride get in seatbelt run land / take off take missed platform bus stop full punctual queue 20. září 2013

7 Translate 1 Ačkoli pršelo, jel jsem do školy na kole. Although it rained, I cycled to school. 2 Do školy mi to trvá půl hodiny šalinou. It takes me 30 minutes by tram to school. 3 Jak daleko bydlíš od školy? How far from do you live from school? 4 Jak dlouho ti trvá dostat se k nejbližšímu obchodu? How long does is it take to you to get to the nearest shop? 5 Jak často tě mamka vozí do školy? How often does your mum give you a lift to school? 20. září 2013

8 Translate 6 Minulý rok na dovolené se nám pokazilo auto. Our car broke down on holiday last year. 7 Taxík je tady, haló, nastupovat všichni! The taxi is here, hello, get in, everybody! 8 Děti nastoupily do autobusu a posadily se. Children got on the bus and sat down. 9 Vlak zpomalil, zastavil a lidé vystoupili. The train slowed down, stopped and people got off. 10 Na letišti v Heathrow letadla vzlétají a přistávají každé dvě minuty. At Heathrow airport planes take off and land every two minutes. 20. září 2013

9 Aswer the questions A Do you like travelling by car? Why (not)?
Do you like travelling by bus? Why (not)? Why do people travel? Do you find travelling dangerous? Why? What kind of holidays do you know? 20. září 2013

10 Aswer the questions B Do you like travelling by plane? Why (not)?
Do you like travelling by train? Why (not)? Why do your people hitchhike? Do people travel more these days than they did in the past? Do you prefer sightseeing or lying on a beach? 20. září 2013

11 Compare and contrast 20. září 2013

12 What means of transport do you prefer?
20. září 2013

13 How do you spend time at the airport?
20. září 2013

14 Where can you stay on holiday?
Where do you prefer to stay when you are on holiday? What is your best / worst experience with accommodation you have ever had? 20. září 2013

15 What can you do / see on holiday?
20. září 2013

16 Summer camps Have you ever been to a summer camp?
What did you do there? Did you go with your friends or did you make new friends? What did you like/hate about the camp? 20. září 2013

17 Funny situations on holiday
What funny /embarrassing situations can you experience when travelling? Use pictures and your own examples. 20. září 2013

18 Travels in Europe Where are the people in the pictures?
Have you ever been there? If not, would you like to? Why? 20. září 2013

19 Použité zdroje FALLA, T., DAVIES, P.A. Maturita Solutions Student´s Book Pre-intermediate ISBN REDMAN, S. English Vocabulary in Use Pre-intermediate and Intermediate ISBN x OBRÁZKY. Kolekce plně barevných a volně šiřitelných obrázků, fotografií a klipartů. [DVD-ROM]. Hořovice: Terasoft, a.s. Multilicenční verze s autorskými právy obrázků, zakoupená školou v roce 2012. Všechny objekty použité k vytvoření prezentace jsou součástí SW Microsoft Office nebo jsou vlastní originální tvorbou autora. 20. září 2013

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