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BOXING DAY. Boxing Day is a public holiday celebrated in the United Kingdom and most other Commonwealth countries on December 26, the day after Christmas.

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Prezentace na téma: "BOXING DAY. Boxing Day is a public holiday celebrated in the United Kingdom and most other Commonwealth countries on December 26, the day after Christmas."— Transkript prezentace:


2 Boxing Day is a public holiday celebrated in the United Kingdom and most other Commonwealth countries on December 26, the day after Christmas Day.

3 It was the day when people would give a present or Christmas box to those who had worked for them throughout the year. This is still done in Britain for postmen and paper- boys. Today, the giving of boxes includes filling boxes with food and clothing for the needy and performing volunteer work. Monetary gifts to charity are also common.

4 Boxing Day was an expression of appreciation and thanks, much like Christmas tips are today.

5 Slovíčka: Celebrated - slavil United Kingdom - Spojené království,říše Commonwealth - společenství Nowadays - dnešní,nyní Certain - jistý,určitý Hroughout - během paper - boys - kamelotové ( pouliční prodavači novin) Volunter - dobrovolník

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