Present simple Questions. Form of the question How do we form the present simple question? How do we form the present simple question in case of the 3rd.

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1 Present simple Questions

2 Form of the question How do we form the present simple question? How do we form the present simple question in case of the 3rd singular? Do + subject +verb (infinitive) +… Does + subject +verb (infinitive) +…

3 Revision 1. Rozumíš tomu? _______________________________________________________________ 2. Kdy (on) chodí do postele? _______________________________________________________________ 3. Mluví (ona) anglicky? _______________________________________________________________ 4. Kde studuješ? _______________________________________________________________ 5. Proč kouří (oni)? _______________________________________________________________ 6. Co si o tom myslíš? _______________________________________________________________ 7. Jak často chodíš do kina? _______________________________________________________________ 8. Proč ti nepomůže (on)? _______________________________________________________________ 9. Piješ ráno čaj? _______________________________________________________________ 10. Co se mu líbí? _______________________________________________________________

4 Solution 1. Rozumíš tomu? _______________________________________________________________ 2. Kdy (on) chodí do postele? _______________________________________________________________ 3. Mluví (ona) anglicky? _______________________________________________________________ 4. Kde studuješ? _______________________________________________________________ 5. Proč kouří (oni)? _______________________________________________________________ 6. Co si o tom myslíš? _______________________________________________________________ 7. Jak často chodíš do kina? _______________________________________________________________ 8. Proč ti nepomůže (on)? _______________________________________________________________ 9. Piješ ráno čaj? _______________________________________________________________ 10. Co se mu líbí? _______________________________________________________________ Do you understand it? When does he go to bed? Does she speak English? Where do you study? Why do they smoke? What do you think about it? How often do you go to the cinema? Why does not he help you? Do you drink tea in the morning? What does he like?

5 Evaluation 10 points – 9 points = 1 (excellent mark) 8 points – 7 points = 2 (very good mark) 6 points – 4 points = 3 (good mark) 3 points – 2 points = 4 (sufficient mark) 1 point – 0 point = 5 (insufficient/fail mark)

6 Questions When do we you use do and when does in the question? Why do not we use the ending –s in the 3rd form of the verb in the question? How do we form the positive (declarative) present simple sentence? How do we form the negative present simple sentence?

7 Answers We use do in case of pronoun I, you, we, they. We use does in case of he, she, it. We do not use –s ending because there is already the word does which tells us it is the 3rd person singular. The structure of the positive present simple sentence is: subject + verb + … The structure of the negative present simple sentence is: subject + do/does + not + verb + …

8 Zdroj:, 15. 3. 2012, 12:41

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