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NÁZEV ŠKOLY: Základní škola Strančice, okres Praha - východ AUTOR: Mgr. Lenka Kulhavá NÁZEV: VY_32_INOVACE_3.2.2.2 O 15 TEMA: ANGLIČTINA ČÍSLO PROJEKTU:

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Prezentace na téma: "NÁZEV ŠKOLY: Základní škola Strančice, okres Praha - východ AUTOR: Mgr. Lenka Kulhavá NÁZEV: VY_32_INOVACE_3.2.2.2 O 15 TEMA: ANGLIČTINA ČÍSLO PROJEKTU:"— Transkript prezentace:

1 NÁZEV ŠKOLY: Základní škola Strančice, okres Praha - východ AUTOR: Mgr. Lenka Kulhavá NÁZEV: VY_32_INOVACE_3.2.2.2 O 15 TEMA: ANGLIČTINA ČÍSLO PROJEKTU: CZ.1.07/1.4.00/21.2976

2 Anotace: o Prezentace je určena především žákům 9. tříd ZŠ k představení a procvičení frázových sloves. o Frázová slovesa jsou v prezentaci uspořádaná do čtyř tabulek s významy, ve kterých jsou slovesa užity v učebnicích Project a Project Plus. o Po každé tabulce následují cvičení, která jsou určena k procvičení frázových sloves z dané tabulky. o Prezentace rozhodně není určena k probrání látky v jedné vyučovací hodině. Je vhodné si látku rozdělit podle jednotlivých tabulek a vybraného cvičení k daným frázovým slovesům, která právě probíráme ve škole. o Prezentace je také vhodná k opakování učiva, testování probrané látky i k soutěžím mezi skupinami žáků.

3 LENKA KULHAVÁ PHRASAL VERBS 1 REVISION Sort out Get on Look for Work out

4 PHRASAL VERBS CZECH MEANING look forward to pick up run away grow up look for look after look out look into look down on look round look up look up sb. těšit se na zvednout utéci, uprchnout vyrůst, vypěstovat hledat starat se o dávat pozor prozkoumat shlížet svrchu, opovrhovat prohlédnout si, rozhlížet se vyhledat zajít za kým, navštívit koho

5 USE THE VERBS IN THE TABLE AND COMPLETE THE SENTENCES IN THE PRESENT PERFECT/PAST SIMPLE: 1. He has picked up his teddy bear from the floor. 2. The horse ran away from its stable last night. 3. My father grew up in a musical family. 4. I had to look after my sister when I was a child. 5. She lost her glasses and spent twenty minutes looking for them. 6. She used to look forward to Christmas when she was young. pick up, look after, grow up, look for, look forward to, run away

6 USE THE VERBS IN THE TABLE AND COMPLETE THE SENTENCES IN THE PRESENT PERFECT/PAST SIMPLE: 1. He didn´t look out and fell off the chair. 2. The manager looked into your complaint and found a solution. 3. He told me that she looked down on her husband´s friends. 4. They wanted to look round for a suitable place for camping. 5. We had to look the word up in a dictionary. 6. They looked up several old friends on their holiday. look down on, look out, look up sb., look into, look up, look round

7 PHRASAL VERBS CZECH MEANING carry on fall off break off come off take off switch off turn off get together with Get on with Go out with Run out of Stand in for pokračovat upadnout, klesnout ulomit se vydařit se odložit si, odstartovat vypnout vypnout, odbočit setkat se, dát dohrom. Vycházet s, dařit se Chodit s kým Vypotřebovat, dojít co Zaskočit za

8 USE THE VERBS IN THE TABLE AND COMPLETE THE SENTENCES IN THE PRESENT PERFECT/PAST SIMPLE: 1. He opened his book again and carried on reading the story. 2. He has fallen off his bike. 3. I ´ll have to go to the dentist. Part of my tooth has broken off. 4. Her birthday party came off very well yesterday. 5. The plane has taken off for Tokyo. 6. They switched off the electicity before going on holiday. come off, switch off, carry on, take off, fall off, break off

9 USE THE VERBS IN THE TABLE AND COMPLETE THE SENTENCES IN THE PRESENT PERFECT/PAST SIMPLE: 1. She turned off the light and went to bed. 2. We got together with our friends and had a game of football yesterday. 3. Dad told me that he got on with his boss very well. 4. I have been going out with her for six months. 5. We have run out of food supplies. We´ll have to do some shopping. 6. The leading actress was ill and another actress stood in for her. run out of, turn off, get on with, stand in for, go out with, get together with

10 PHRASAL VERBS CZECH MEANING break up fall out get back make things up get over sth. sort out put away work out write down get on get off get in rozejít se pohádat se vrátit se udobřit se sebrat se, mít to za sebou vyřídit si, vyřešit, vytřídit uložit vypracovat, vyřešit zapsat nastoupit (vlak, autobus) vystoupit dorazit, nastoupit (auto)

11 USE THE VERBS IN THE TABLE AND COMPLETE THE SENTENCES IN THE PRESENT PERFECT/PAST SIMPLE: 1. It´s a pity that Paul and Susan broke up last week. 2. I have fallen out with my sister. 3. They´ve finally made things up after their disagreement. 4. I have got over my cold now. 5. She has sorted out her business problems. 6. Have you heard that Paul and Susan have got back together? Get back together, get over sth., sort out, break up, make sth. up, fall out

12 USE THE VERBS IN THE TABLE AND COMPLETE THE SENTENCES IN THE PRESENT PERFECT/PAST SIMPLE: 1. When she ironed her clothes she put them away in the drawer. 2. She didn´t know the word, but she worked out the meaning from the context. 3. She wrote down every word he said. 4. We had to get on the bus. 5. When the plane landed, all the passengers got off. 6. He got in the car and drove away. work out, get on, put away, get in, write down, get off

13 PHRASAL VERBS CZECH MEANING get out of get up bring back come round take care of make up think of think about keep sb. in fall in love with split up pull down vystoupit ( auto) vstát vrátit zastavit se, zajít za kým starat se, pečovat o vymyslet, nalíčit se představit si, mít na paměti myslet na nechat po škole zamilovat se rozejít se, jít od sebe strhnout, zbořit

14 USE THE VERBS IN THE TABLE AND COMPLETE THE SENTENCES IN THE PRESENT PERFECT/PAST SIMPLE: 1. She brought back the umbrella she borrowed. 2. My parents got up late yesterday. 3. He got out of his car and went to the terminal. 4. He hasn´t come round and see us for a long time. 5. She took care of her grandpa when he was alive. 6. She made up the whole story about dwarfs. bring back, make up, get out of, take care of, get up

15 USE THE VERBS IN THE TABLE AND COMPLETE THE SENTENCES IN THE PRESENT PERFECT/PAST SIMPLE: 1. She used to think about her mum when she was a baby. 2. I couldn´t think of her name when I met her at the party. 3. The teacher kept him in because he didn´t finish his schoolwork. 4. Paul and Susan split up because he had found a new girlfriend. 5. He fell in love with his schoolmate Sarah. 6. The workers pulled down two old buildings in the centre. fall in love with, think about, keep in, split up, pull down, think of

16 Zdroje: vlastní

Stáhnout ppt "NÁZEV ŠKOLY: Základní škola Strančice, okres Praha - východ AUTOR: Mgr. Lenka Kulhavá NÁZEV: VY_32_INOVACE_3.2.2.2 O 15 TEMA: ANGLIČTINA ČÍSLO PROJEKTU:"

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