Emily Watson Katie Watson Steve Chang Emily Watson Steve Chang Clare Watson Dave Watson Ziggy Exercise 0.

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Prezentace na téma: "Emily Watson Katie Watson Steve Chang Emily Watson Steve Chang Clare Watson Dave Watson Ziggy Exercise 0."— Transkript prezentace:




4 Emily Watson Katie Watson Steve Chang Emily Watson Steve Chang Clare Watson Dave Watson Ziggy Exercise 0

5 Exercise 0a Clare is Emily's........................ Dave is Katie's and Emily's......................... Dave is Clare's......................... Emily is Katie's......................... Emily and Katie are Dave's and Clare's.......................... Steve's family name is............................. Whose is all that rubbish? It is...................'s. Clare is Dave's..............................

6 Exercise 0a Clare is Emily's mother. Dave is Katie's and Emily's father. Dave is Clare's husband. Emily is Katie's sister. Emily and Katie are Dave's and Clare's daughters. Steve's family name is Chang. Whose is all that rubbish? It is Steve's. Clare is Dave's wife.

7 Exercise 1


9 Write on the whiteboard.



12 Vloženo z x0005x začátek

13 Až sem ES1 2/10

14 Rooms in the Home - English Kindgarten Education http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hZ6jP4RndkU&feature=em-subs_digest-vrecs 0:45

15 How to Call the Rooms of a Home in English http://www.5min.com/Video/How-to-Call-the-Rooms-of-a-Home-in-English-82436294 1:53

16 Picture Dictionay - Home - Kids - Animation Learn Series http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u0I1yAp620Q http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u0I1yAp620Q 6:11

17 Rooms in the House - Learn English with Jennifer http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZqCEFIfXka8&feature=digest_sat 9:00

18 How many rooms are there in your home? There are five rooms in my home. Is there a living room in your home? Yes, there is. No, there isn‘t. What‘s in the living room? There is a fan in the living room.

19 Vloženo z x0005x konec

20 n1a1 Jméno:Třída:Datum: 10 9

21 n1a2 Jméno:Třída:Datum: 7x3 Carol je v Londýně. Je Maggie v zahradě? Kde jsi, Marku? Jeho matka není Angličanka. Jeho rodiče nejsou doma. Steve se zajímá o kino. Kde je tvoje sestra?

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