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VMware Software Defined Datacenter Petr Dostálek, Avnet 4.11.2015.

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Prezentace na téma: "VMware Software Defined Datacenter Petr Dostálek, Avnet 4.11.2015."— Transkript prezentace:

1 VMware Software Defined Datacenter Petr Dostálek, Avnet 4.11.2015

2 Storage/ Availability ServersNetworkingSecurity Management/ Monitoring Minutes PhysicalVirtual Months Základní důvody vzniku: Akcelerace tvorby aplikací při splnění veškerých kritérií provozu Days

3 Nový přístup do cloudu The Software Defined Datacenter

4 Software-defined Datacenter: Veškerá infrastruktura je doručena jako služba a správa tohoto datacentra je kompletně v gesci softwaru.

5 Storage/ Availability ServersNetworkingSecurity Management/ Monitoring Minutes PhysicalVirtualSDDC Months Minutes Software-defined Datacenter Services VDC Software Defined Datacenter redukuje čas potřebný pro tvorbu aplikací se všemi charakteristami Days

6 Software Defined Datacenter Management & Automation Software Defined Networking and Security Software Defined Storage Compute Místo pro rychlé doručení zdrojů a služeb APP OS APP OS APP OS APP OS APP OS APP OS APP OS APP OS Software-defined Datacenter Services VDC 1 Software-defined Datacenter Services VDC 2

7 Co všichni známe … Software Hardware Virtual Machines Virtual Machines Compute Capacity NetworkStorage Applications Server Virtualization Intelligence in the virtualization layer Vendor independent x86 capacity Transformative operational model Automated configuration & management Intelligence in hardware Dedicated, vendor specific infrastructure Manual configuration & management Manual Operational Model Automated Operational Model Programmatically Create, Snapshot, Store, Move, Delete, Restore

8 Výhody užití Software Defined Data Center řešení Software Hardware Virtual Machines Virtual Machines Virtual Networks Virtual Networks Virtual Storage Virtual Storage Compute Capacity Network Capacity Storage Capacity Applications Location Independence Data Center Virtualization Pooled compute, network and storage capacity Vendor independent, best price/performance Simplified configuration & management Automated Operational Model Programmatically Create, Snapshot, Store, Move, Delete, Restore

9 Souhrn přínosů užití Software Defined Data Center Transform storage by aligning it with app demands Management tools give way to automation Expand virtual compute to all applications Virtualize the network for speed and efficiency 9


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