Výukový program: Strojírenská technologie Název programu: Druhy mechanických spojení Vypracoval: Ing. Elena Nová Projekt Anglicky v odborných předmětech,

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2 Výukový program: Strojírenská technologie Název programu: Druhy mechanických spojení Vypracoval: Ing. Elena Nová Projekt Anglicky v odborných předmětech, CZ.1.07/1.3.09/04.0002 je spolufinancován Evropským sociálním fondem a státním rozpočtem České republiky.

3 Types of mechanical connections / joints

4  Classification

5  Important joins:  Shaped joins  Friction joins  Pre-stress joins  Joins with mechanical  contact


7  Shaped connections – pins, journals Conical pin with internal threadFlexible pin Journal with head and hole for cotter pin Cylindrical pin with safety rings (Seger)

8  2.Power connections – friction couplings  Grip / thrust / joints  Conical joins  Bolt joins  Joins with friction clutch  a)Trust join of shaft and hub  b) Parts joining by bolt pass loaded by a force vertical to bolt axis

9  3. Pre-stressed / combined shape joins:  It is a combination of the following types of joins.  Joins with frontal gearing  Conical joins with segment springs  Special case in tis case is wedged connection

10  Connection of materials – cohesive and adhesive powers are   welding  soldering  gluing   Contact by joining of material  Joined material of the same character and strength as the basic material – welding  b)Joined material have different character and lower strength as the basic material – soldering, gluing


12  1. Type of mechanical joins – basic division  2. Classify them:  Bold joins  Tight springs joint  Joins with frontal gearing  3. Is this a picture of grip thrust

13  http://www.ksp.tul.cz/cz/kpt/obsah/vyuka/s kripta_tkp/sekce/04.htm http://www.ksp.tul.cz/cz/kpt/obsah/vyuka/s kripta_tkp/sekce/04.htm  http://cs.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spojen%C3%AD_ h%C5%99%C3%ADdele_s_n%C3%A1bojem#Tva rov.C3.A1_spojen.C3.AD_h.C5.99.C3.ADdele_ s_n.C3.A1bojem http://cs.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spojen%C3%AD_ h%C5%99%C3%ADdele_s_n%C3%A1bojem#Tva rov.C3.A1_spojen.C3.AD_h.C5.99.C3.ADdele_ s_n.C3.A1bojem

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