At the shop Dialogues. Phrases / Potřebné fráze Mohu Vám pomoct? Kolik stojí….? How much is / are…..? Can I help you? tato (tento,toto) / tyto … Ještě.

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Prezentace na téma: "At the shop Dialogues. Phrases / Potřebné fráze Mohu Vám pomoct? Kolik stojí….? How much is / are…..? Can I help you? tato (tento,toto) / tyto … Ještě."— Transkript prezentace:

1 At the shop Dialogues

2 Phrases / Potřebné fráze Mohu Vám pomoct? Kolik stojí….? How much is / are…..? Can I help you? tato (tento,toto) / tyto … Ještě něco? Vezmu si …… Can I have ……. ? this / these ….. Anything else?

3 Prosím / tady máte ….. Here you are. It´s / That´s ………. Přeji hezký den. Have a nice day. Je to / Dělá to / Zaplatíte …….

4 Customer Good morning! Shop assistant It´s 75 pence. Can I help you? They´re £2.30. Anything else? How much is this pencil,please? And how much are these colour pencils? Can I have two pencils and the colour pencils,please? No, thank you. Here you are. It´s £3.80, please. Thank you. Have a nice day!Goodbye!

5 Customer Good ! morning! Shop assistant 75 pence. I help you? £2.30. Anything this pencil,please? And these colour pencils? two pencils and the colour pencils,please? No, It´s £3.80, please. Thank you.Goodbye! morning Good Can How much is It´s how much are They´re Can I have else? thank you. Here you are. Have a nice day!

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