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Operační program Vzdělávání pro konkurenceschopnost Název projektu: Inovace magisterského studijního programu Fakulty ekonomiky a managementu Registrační.

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Prezentace na téma: "Operační program Vzdělávání pro konkurenceschopnost Název projektu: Inovace magisterského studijního programu Fakulty ekonomiky a managementu Registrační."— Transkript prezentace:

1 Operační program Vzdělávání pro konkurenceschopnost Název projektu: Inovace magisterského studijního programu Fakulty ekonomiky a managementu Registrační číslo projektu: CZ.1.07/2.2.00/28.0326 Political Science and International Relations Democracy and autocracy

2 Goal of lecture To introduce basic concepts of democracy To define and characterize totalitarian and authoritarian regimes To introduce students to philosophical debate about proper political system

3 Forms of governance Forms of governance means the way how state power is organized It is based on several basic markers and principles: - the participation of citizens on state power -The composition of state authority and its inner relations -The regulation of citizens´ life -The regulations of society -The relations between state and local authorities

4 Basic forms of governance Monarchy The monarch is sovereign person at the head of state, his position is higher than other citizens´. The monarchy is rule of one man. It is possible to divide it into two main types: – Absolute monarchy (unlimited) – Constitutional monarchy (limited) Republic – Temporary election of the head of state and its submission to rule of law – The division of power – check and ballances – The existence of basic rights of citizens – The participation of citizens on state rule – Democratic elections

5 Basic division of political regimes Liberal democracy -Focuses on human and citizen rights garantion and rule of law. Citizens do not execute their power directly, but via elected representatives. Basic institutions of liberal representative democracies are parliament, political parties and general suffrage. Non-democratic regimes – Authoritarian regimes – Totalitarian regimes

6 Liberal democracy – basic models Liberalisms without democracy (Locke, Montesquieu, Smith) The correction of liberalism and democracy (Burke) Between classical and social democracy (J.S.Mill) Liberal-democratic experience (Tocqueville) Radical liberalism of free market (Mises) Neoclassical liberalism and rule of law (Hayek) Libertarian challenge (Nozick)

7 Authoritarian regimes – J. J. Linz Juan José Linz -political systém with limited pluralism and without ideology, but with typical mentality, without extensife or intensive form of political mobilization, where leader or small leading group of people use power within formaly badly defined but expectable limits. Three basic axes of authoritarian regimes – Limited pluralism – Mentality – Mobilization

8 Main types of authoritarian regimes - Linz Bureaucratic-military Organic-etatistic Mobilizations authoritarian regimes in post- democratic societies Post-colonial mobilization authoritarian regimes Racist and ethnical democracies Defect totalitarian and pretotalitarian authoritarian regimes Post-totalitarian authoritarian regimes

9 Totalitární režimy Giovanni Sartori – Totální rozšíření a pronikání moci státu – Ideologizace politiky v podobě politického náboženství – Politické ovládnutí všeho, včetně mimopolitické oblasti člověka Fridrich, Brzezinsky Jediné centrum moci Život společnosti ovládá samostatná ideologie Masivní společenská mobilizace

10 Types of totalitarian regimes Wolfgang Friedrich – Terroristic t.r. – Bureaucratic t.r. – Teocratic t.r. Wolfgang Merkel – Communist t.r. – Fashist t.r. – Teocratic t.r.

11 Operační program Vzdělávání pro konkurenceschopnost Název projektu: Inovace magisterského studijního programu Fakulty ekonomiky a managementu Registrační číslo projektu: CZ.1.07/2.2.00/28.0326 Political Science and International Relations Democracy and autocracy

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