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ZveřejnilErik Beran
Projekt Anglicky v odborných předmětech, CZ.1.07/1.3.09/04.0002 je spolufinancován Evropským sociálním fondem a státním rozpočtem České republiky. Tutorial: Engineering technology Topic: Plastic IX. – Machines Prepared by: Ing. Vladislav Zelinka
Engineering TECHNOLOGY Plastic Machines
Briefly: Press belongs among the slowest but it is stronger in the group of forming machines. Press drive is in most cases provided by hydraulics – fluid is special oil. At press we evaluate not only size of the space where it is possible to chuck tools but also maximal pressure which is possible to develop. Shape and dimensions of inner space of the press (including fixing parts) are standard so that it is possible to replace mold between various machine types. Injection molding machines have large electricity consumption mainly because of plastic heating – so it is necessary to take it into account while installation.
Hlavní části vstřikolisu: Opening and closing device of mold Plasticizing cylinder GranulateJetting cylinder Gear Measurement unit Operator and steering gear hydraulics Divided mold Cut through injection molding machine (plastic is injected into the closed mold) Opening and closing unit Divided mold Plasticizing and injecting unit Plastic granulate Cylinder of injection Steering worm drive injector Densifying steering worm Closing cylinder opening cylinder product Backflow valve heating plasticizing cylinder Injection molding machine
Jetting – machine (press): Mold is closed, plastic is injected. Unit with divided mold Cooling and take out of the product Plasticizing cylinder mold Jetting hole Closing of the mold, cylinder bring up Space in front of the worm Working cycle of injection molding machine worm Granulated plastic heating Heated plastic substance Filling zone Plastificizing zone Measured zone Heated and plasticizing extruder cylinder
Plasticizing unit ------------- plasticizing worm ----------- Shifting homogenization plastification batching cylinder roll in injection filling cylinder roll out Unit with mold Mold cooling Mold opening Product take out Mold closing Mold cooling Jetting – machine (press):
Automatization of jetting:
Summary: Press belongs among the slowest but it is stronger in the group of forming machines. Press drive is in most cases provided by hydraulics – fluid is special oil. At press we evaluate not only size of the space where it is possible to chuck tools but also maximal pressure which is possible to develop. Shape and dimensions of inner space of the press (including fixing parts) are standard so that it is possible to replace mold between various machine types. Injection molding machines have large electricity consumption mainly because of plastic heating – so it is necessary to take it into account while installation.
ACTIVITY I.: Decide and choose the best solution of the problem: 1.) At the bottom of the machine the oil slowly escapes. Do we stop the machine and report it? Yes / No / It isn´t easy to determine 2.) Transparent shifting cover in the pressing space broke on the injection molding machine. Do we continue working? Yes / No / It isn´t easy to determine
ACTIVITY II.: Decide and choose the best solution of the problem : 3.) Water is slowly dripping from the ceiling into the hopper with granulated material. Do we report immediately? Yes / No / It isn´t easy to determine 4.) Robotic manipulator of the plastic extrudates does not have safely closed its inner space. Do we report the fault? Yes / No / It isn´t easy to determine
VOCABULARY Injection molding machineVstřikolis Servicing and controlingObsluha a řízení Measuring unitMěřící jednotka Jetting cylinderVstřikovací válec Plasticizing (cylinder)Plastifikační (válec) HopperNásypka Heating (of steering warm)Vyhřívání (šneku) DrivePohony Cooling unitChladící jednotka automatizationautomatizace
Resources: * Wikipedie – internetová encyklopedie ( * Technická Univerzita Liberec ( * ENGEL CZ s.r.o. ( * Dillinger, J. a kol. Moderní strojírenství pro školu a praxi. Praha: EUROPA SOBOTÁLES, 2007. ISBN 978-80-86706-19-1. * Mužík, J. Management ve vzdělávání dospělých. Praha: EUROLEX BOHEMIA, 2000. ISBN 80-7361-269-7. * Operační program Vzdělávání pro konkurenceschopnost, ESF 2007 – 2013. * Dostupné na: k-op-vzdelavani-pro-konkurenceschopnost
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