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Hotelová škola, Obchodní akademie a Střední průmyslová škola Teplice, Benešovo náměstí 1, p.o. Číslo projektu: CZ.1.07/1.5.00/ Název projektu: ICT ve výuce Číslo a název šablony klíčové aktivity: III/2 - Inovace a zkvalitnění výuky prostřednictvím ICT Název ověřovaného materiálu: Digitální učební materiál pro výuku anglického jazyka VY_32_INOVACE_JAA_204 Ročník: 3. Vzdělávací obor: Anglický jazyk Tematická oblast: Gramatika Téma: Present Perfect and Past Simple Jméno autora: Ing. Zdeněk Brabec Vytvořeno dne: Metodický popis, (anotace) Výukový materiál slouží k systematizaci, procvičování a upevnění znalostí specifické gramatiky, doplněný o přiložený pracovní list, který žáci vypracovávají v hodině po shlédnutí prezentace.
Present Perfect and Past Simple
Present Perfect and Past Simple
Past Simple describes a specific moment or a period in the past. It often uses indications of the time when the whole action happened, such as: … AGO, YESTERDAY, LAST … or a SPECIFIC TIME We met twenty years ago. She bought the American car 35 years ago. They last opened the room five months ago. I did not see you yesterday, where were you? Did they finish the construction last month? He passed away in 1997. It rained a lot in January. The system failed at 6:23 this morning.
Present Perfect and Past Simple
Present Perfect usually indicates a connection with now. The action in the past has a result now. It often uses indicators such as: SINCE, FOR, JUST, ALREADY = (sooner than expected), EVER, NEVER, YET, or NOT YET or an unfinished period of time We haven‘t met since than. She has just left. You must have met her at the door. The shop has been open for ages, it almost never closes. I have already eaten up the salami, sorry. Have they finished writing their essays yet? She is expected but she has not arrived yet. He hasn‘t had a holiday this year. It has rained a lot this week. I haven‘t spoken to George recently. Have you ever smoked a water pipe?
Present Perfect or Past Simple?
They last met in 2012. She was alone from June to November. I got it on Friday and it is Monday today. She left 5 minutes ago. He smoked a lot when he was young. I did not spend much last month. They haven‘t met since than. She has been alone since January. I have had it for three days. (since Friday) She has just left. He has smoked thousands of cigarettes since he started smoking. I have spent 500 GBP this month.
Worksheet How long ………… you ………. (be)here ? - Since this morning.
When …… she …………… (arrive)? minutes ago. I ……… (never) …………… (visit) Italy. - Really? You must go. They ………………… (not visit) us when they were in our country. He …….… (just) ………... (received) a good news. Lucky him. She …………... (already) ….. (eat) all sweets from her fridge. They ……………….……. (not return) from their holiday yet. The Novaks ………………….. (return) from France yesterday. She ………….…… (not do) anything this morning. (It is1pm.) It is 5 o‘clock now. She came at 3 pm. She ……….. (be) here for 2 hours. She …………… (come) 2 hours ago. Mobile phones …………… (appear) on the civil market 30years ago. Their predecessors …………… (be) first used by the US Army in the Korean War in the 1950s. I ……………….. (have) at least 20 mobiles phones until now.
How long have you been here ? - Since this morning. When did she arrive? minutes ago. I have never visited Italy. - Really? You must go. They did not visit us when they were in our country. He has just received a good news. - Lucky him. She has already eaten all sweets from her fridge. They have not returned from their holiday yet. The Novaks returned from France yesterday. She did not do anything this morning. (It is1pm.) It is 5 o‘clock now. She came at 3 pm. She has been here for 2 hours. She came 2 hours ago. Mobile phones appeared on the civil market 30years ago. Their predecessors were first used by the US Army in the Korean War in the 1950s. I have had at least 20 mobiles phones until now.
Worksheet Let‘s translate: Jak dlouho ho znáš? Kdy jste se potkali?
Mám ty hodinky už deset let. Koupil jsem tento Chevrolet Corvette před patnácti lety. On právě odešel. On odešel před 20 minutami. Nejeli jsme tam minulý týden. Ještě jsme tam letos nejeli. Proč to kupovala? Už jsi koupil něco k jídlu? Ještě jsem dnes s nikým nemluvil. Tento měsíc jsme utratili již CZK. Minulý měsíc jsem nic nevydělal. Narodil se před pěti měsíci. Všichni na ni čekají, ale ona ještě neorazila domů. Už jsi udělal domácí úkoly?
Worksheet Possible solution: How long have you known him?
When did you meet? I have had the watch for ten years. I bought this Chevrolet Corvette fifteen years ago. He has just left. He left 20 minutes ago. We did not go there last week. We have not gone there this year. Why did she buy it? Have you bought anything to eat? I have not spoken to anybody today. We have spent 10,000.- CZK this month. I did not earn anything last month. He was born five month ago. Everybody is waiting for her but she has not arrived yet. Have you done your homework yet?
Photos: Author References: MURPHY, Raymond. English grammar in use. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1985, ISBN THOMSON, A.J.; MARTINET, A.V.. A Practical English grammar - fourth edition. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1996, ISBN 0 – – 4. PROCTER, Paul E. a kol. Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English. England: Longman Group UK Limited, 1992, ISBN SPENCER, David. Gateway B1+. England: Macmillan Publishers Limited, 2011, ISBN SOARS, Liz; SOARS, John. New Headway Intermediate Workbook - the third edition. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2010, ISBN SOARS, Liz; SOARS, John. New Headway Intermediate Workbook. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2010, ISBN
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