MATURITA TOPICS The Czech Republic_UNESCO_04 Mgr. Filip Soviš ANJ_Maturita

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1 MATURITA TOPICS The Czech Republic_UNESCO_04 Mgr. Filip Soviš ANJ_Maturita

2 Anotace Materiál nastiňuje základní fakta o městech České republiky zařazených na seznam Unesco. Umožňuje použití pro samostatnou práci. Je možné jej poskytnou nepřítomným žákům. AutorMgr. Filip Soviš (Autor) JazykAngličtina Očekávaný výstup 23–41–M/01 Strojírenství 26-41-M/01 Elektrotechnika 53-41-M/01 Zdravotnický asistent 65-42-M/01 Hotelnictví Speciální vzdělávací potřeby- žádné - Klíčová slovaThe Czech Republic Druh učebního materiáluPrezentace Druh interaktivityKombinované Cílová skupinaŽák Stupeň a typ vzděláváníodborné vzdělávání Typická věková skupina16 - 19 let Vazby na ostatní materiályJe součástí ANJ konverzace

3 Are there any places in the CR on the UNESCO World Heritage List? The Czech Republic Tugendhat Villa built in 1929 – 1930 by the architect Ludwig Mies van der Rohe functionalist style the UNESCO List in 2001 unique medieval buildings, streets and stone townhouses River Vltava, the castle complex with its unique baroque theatre the UNESCO List in 1992 Brno Český Krumlov

4 The Czech Republic exceptionally well ‑ preserved traditional Central European village buildings from the 18 th and 19 th centuries in a style known as "South Bohemian Folk Baroque" the UNESCO List in 1998 the gardens and château in the UNESCO List in 1998 the castle: a uniquely ‑ preserved Central European baroque princely residence Holašovice Kroměříž

5 The Czech Republic linked to the mining of silver ore the late gothic Church of St. Barbora the historical centre: architectural jewel of European importance the UNESCO List in 1995 one huge park (Dukes of Liechtenstein, baroque and neo ‑ gothic architecture of their chateaux) the UNESCO List in 1996 Kutná Hora Lednice-Valtice Area

6 The Czech Republic Italianate Renaissance castle (eight thousand examples of sgrafitto facades and gables) on the UNESCO List since 1999 a number of commercial buildings and a garden also preserved birthplace of the composer Bedřich Smetana The Holy Trinity Column rising to a height of 35 m decorated with many fine religious sculptures Moravian artist Ondřej Zahner the UNESCO list in 2000 Litomyšl Olomouc

7 The Czech Republic the historical centre (866 hectares in size): Hradčany with the Prague Castle including St. Vitus Cathedral the Lesser Town (Malá Strana) including the Charles Bridge the Old Town (Staré Město) with Josefov (the former Jewish Town) New Town (Nové Město) Vyšehrad and each of the monuments within these areas the UNESCO List in 1992 a number of the renaissance and baroque townhouses the gothic castle rebuilt in the renaissance style the UNESCO List in 1992 Praha (Prague) Telč

8 The Czech Republic the Jewish quarter and the Basilica of St. Prokop a unique example of the close co-existence of Christian and Jewish culture from the Middle Ages until the 20 th century the UNESCO list in 2003 the Pilgrimage Church of St John of Nepomuk at Zelená Hora an example of "baroque gothic" built on a five ‑ pointed star plan, surrounded by a cemetery and cloisters the UNESCO List in 1994 Třebíč Žďár nad Sázavou

9 Which parts of the CR (places in the CR) are you proud of? Which places have you visited? How can you get there from UH? What places would you like to show a foreigner? Why? The Czech Republic

10 Bibliografické citace BURNIE, Glen a Rob RAESIDE. Flags of the World. CRW Flags' Online Catalog [online]. 1996-2013, 2013-01-04 [cit. 2013-01-05]. Dostupné z: STRZELECKI, Jerzy. KUTNA HORA (js) 11 [online]. 2007 [cit. 2013-02-28]. Obrázek typu JPEG, Creative Commons. Dostupné z:

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