We are here!.  CR - central E urope  devided into 14 regions  Pardubice Region - east of Bohemia  biggest town - Pardubice  divided into 4 dis t.

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Prezentace na téma: "We are here!.  CR - central E urope  devided into 14 regions  Pardubice Region - east of Bohemia  biggest town - Pardubice  divided into 4 dis t."— Transkript prezentace:

1 We are here!

2  CR - central E urope  devided into 14 regions  Pardubice Region - east of Bohemia  biggest town - Pardubice  divided into 4 dis t ri c ts :  Pardubice dis t ri c t, Chrudim dis t ri c t, Svitavy dis t ri c t a nd Ústí nad Orlicí dis t ri c t  Vysoké Mýto  Ústí nad Orlicí dis t ri c t

3 Pardubice region Vysoké Mýto Czech Republic

4 WhatHow many PopulationAbout 500.000 Area4520 km2 Towns34 WhatName Biggest mountainKrálický Sněžník (1423 meters) Lowest pointLabe near Kojice (200 meters) Longest riverThe Chrudimka (103 km) Biggest water areaThe Seč dam (220 ha)

5 Krematorium in Pardubice Church in Koci Chateaux in Litomyšl

6 Chateaux in Nové hrady = Czech Versailles Kuňetice Mountain Ruins of castle Košumberk


8 horse breeding best horses in Czech Republic a lot of competitions Great Pardubice Races Sacramoso Aja XXVII Generalissimus XXIII


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