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Obchodní akademie, Ostrava-Poruba, příspěvková organizace Vzdělávací materiál/DUM Businessland / A Secretary 06B5 AutorLadislava Pechová Období vytvořeníListopad 2013 Ročník/věková kategorie3.r., 17-18 let Vyučovací předmět/klíčová slova Boss, business documents, offers, orders, complaints, invoices, speeches, memos, layout, in-coming, out- going, file register, office devices. Anotace Tento celek se zabývá rolí sekretářky. Shrnuje její povinnosti, předpokládané dovednosti a osobnostní předpoklady.
A Secretary
A secretary is someone whose task is to help the boss with a lot of things: to cope with business documents to answer the telephone to arrange meetings with business partners to communicate with the other staff members to see that the office looks nice and tidy to make pleasant atmosphere for visitors
Typing A secretary often types various kinds of business documents: Offers Orders Invoices Complaints Internal Memorandum Reports Speeches
Typing Her typing must be: neat with a correct layout without any grammar mistakes with no spelling mistakes The language mustn’t be old-fashioned, but clear and straightforward.
Storing Documents A secretary is expected to find every possible information quickly and efficiently. She has to put all paper in-coming and out-going documents into a file register. It can be arranged either alphabetically or according to numbers.
Telephone A secretary answers all incoming telephone calls. She puts through the urgent and important ones to the boss. The others are answered by the secretary herself. She sees to it that the boss doesn’t want to be interrupted too often.
Skills A good secretary should type quickly with all ten fingers She should master PC skills – Microsoft Office – Word, Excell, Powerpoint, Internet She should speak at least two foreign languages fluently She should definitelly drive a car She should be familiar with using office devices
Personality A good secretary is an office landlady She should be: communicative and friendly pleasant and intelligent efficient reliable hard-working polite attractive and well-dressed
Secretary Would you be a good secretary?
Bibliography NORMAN, S. We Are in Business. Harlow, England: Longman Group Ltd., 1983. ISBN 0-582-74872-0. s. 3
The end of course No.5 Thank you for your attention. Ladislava Pechová
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