MATURITA TOPICS The Czech Republic_General facts I_01

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1 MATURITA TOPICS The Czech Republic_General facts I_01
ANJ_Maturita MATURITA TOPICS The Czech Republic_General facts I_01 Mgr. Filip Soviš

2 Anotace Materiál nastiňuje základní obecná fakta k maturitnímu tématu The Czech Republic. Část první. Umožňuje použití pro samostatnou práci. Je možné jej poskytnou nepřítomným žákům. Autor Mgr. Filip Soviš (Autor) Jazyk Angličtina Očekávaný výstup 23–41–M/01 Strojírenství 26-41-M/01 Elektrotechnika 53-41-M/01 Zdravotnický asistent 65-42-M/01 Hotelnictví Speciální vzdělávací potřeby - žádné - Klíčová slova The Czech Republic, General facts I Druh učebního materiálu Prezentace Druh interaktivity Kombinované Cílová skupina Žák Stupeň a typ vzdělávání odborné vzdělávání Typická věková skupina let Vazby na ostatní materiály Je součástí ANJ konverzace

3 The Czech Republic PART I Basic Facts History Parts & Symbols
Politics (political system) Public Holidays Other

4 What basic facts do you know about the CR?
The Czech Republic What basic facts do you know about the CR? set up on 1st January 1993 area: 78,864 km2 population: 10,3 million inhabitants an inland state (in the middle / heart of Europe) with moderate climate bordered by Germany to the west, Poland to the north, Slovakia to the east and Austria to the south the capital city is Prague local currency is the Czech Crown valleys, lowlands, high grounds, mountain ranges, moorlands and swamps rich culture and history (buildings coming from the past centuries) castles and chateaux (Karlštejn Castle, Buchlov Castle, Hluboká Chateau…) minorities: Slovaks, Poles, Ukrainian, Germans, Russians, Romanies, Vietnamese and members of other nations

5 What facts do you know about Czech history?
The Czech Republic What facts do you know about Czech history? The Middle Ages 9th c.  the Great Moravian Empire 1212  the Přemyslid Dynasty gained the hereditary title of kings 1355  king Charles IV crowned Holy Roman Emperor (his rule known as "the Golden Age" of Czech history) 1415  reformer Jan Hus (John Huss) burnt at the stake in Constance, Germany 1526  the Habsburg Dynasty gained the throne

6 The Czech Republic Czech history facts II. Modern Times
1918  Czechoslovakia was established (T.G. Masaryk elected first president) 1989  The Velvet Revolution, the Civic Forum founded (Václav Havel elected president) 1993  Czechoslovakia split into the Czech and Slovak Republics 1999  The country joined the NATO 2004  The country joined the EU

7 What do you know about the national symbols?
The Czech Republic What do you know about the national symbols? the national flag (a white and a red stripe and a blue triangle) the Czech anthem ("Where my home is" by the composer František Škroup and the playwright Josef Kajetán Tyl) the Czech emblem: a coat of arms divided into quarters (a silver two‑tailed rampant lion with a golden crown; the Moravian and Silesian eagle) the national tree: small-leaved lime

8 What can you tell me about the Czech Republic's regions?
three historical / cultural regions: differences: dialects and folk traditions politically divided into 14 districts Bohemia in the west (seen as more urban / cosmopolitan / industrial) Moravia in the east (seen as traditional / rural / religious; wine farming) Silesia in the northern part of Moravia (smallest)

9 The Czech Republic What is the highest mountain of the CR?
Which river is the symbol of our country? the highest mountain: Sněžka (1602 m) in the Giant Mountains near the Polish border the symbol: the Vltava (the longest river; springs in the Šumava and flows into the Labe river at Mělník) classical Czech composer Bedřich Smetana's set of six symphonic poems Má vlast ("My Motherland") – the best‑known is called Vltava (or The Moldau) several dams built on it in the 1950s, the biggest being Lipno Dam in Šumava

10 What do you know about the Czech political system?
The Czech Republic What do you know about the Czech political system? parliamentary democracy the head of state is the president (elected every five years; max. two terms) the parliament is bicameral (Prague; The lower house and The upper house) the Chamber of Deputies (Prague: Lesser Town; 200 members, four‑year term) the Senate (Prague: Wallenstein Palace; 81 members, for six years) the government (the head is the Prime Minister; formed from the lower house) Supreme Court (seat in Brno, the highest judicial authority)

11 The Czech Republic Can you name at least three Czech public holidays?
On the occasion of what do we celebrate them? 1st January  Anniversary of the Foundation of the CR in 1993 8th May  Anniversary of the End of the Second World War in 5th July  Arrival of Slavic Missionaries Cyril and Methodius in 863 6th July  Master Jan Hus burnt at stake (1415) 28th September  St Wenceslas Day (Czech patron saint's day) 28th October  Anniversary of the Foundation of Czechoslovakia in 17th November  Anniversary of Fights for Freedom and Democracy in 1939 and 1989

12 Bibliografické citace
BRIDGE. The Czech Republic [online] [cit ]. Soubor typu PDF. Dostupné z: BURNIE, Glen a Rob RAESIDE. Flags of the World. CRW Flags' Online Catalog [online] , [cit ]. Dostupné z: VILGUS, Petr. Na Muldě, Pec pod Sněžkou [online] [cit ]. Obrázek typu JPEG, Creative Commons. Dostupné z: SMITH-DLUHÁ, Gabrielle. Angličtina: otázky a odpovědi nejen k maturitě. 1. vyd. Dubicko: INFOA, 2007, 231 s. Zrcadlový text. ISBN

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